Are you 18 years old or above?
We reveal the beasts with shocking scriptures backing us up!
Prophesy is hapenning under our nose and many don't see it.
The identity of the 2 witnesses is revealed. When these 2 show up we must be ready for our departure to the wilderness.
WE teach 3 terms you must be familiar with en route to be down with The KING.
Satan's surname exposes who are NOT the chosen people of TMH. This opens the door for you to accept who and whose you really are.
Sometimes we need another dose of medicine to clear things up. This time I needed clarity myself.
This is going to challenge your theology. Salvation is coming in two parts and at two different times for different groups; one for Yahudi and one for Gentile.
Learn who is invited to the marriage supper.
Six Things you thought you knew but may NOT
Find out who you are so you can know where you are going.
We examine strange wives on our way to learning what HE did to avoid losing.
Mercy is Not getting what you derserve (ie.death). Grace is getting what you Don't deserve (ie.eternal life)
We look at 12 foundational questions that any Christian should be able to answer.
We define and explore the Natural, Grafted and Grafted Back In Branches of the Kingdom. One branch in particular is exposed for having imposters!
It's happening now. We are in the falling away that the bible speaks of. You know the saying: pride comes before the fall. Well, it's that month! Pray and repent!
All things work for HIS good.
Happy Passover and New Year! Who changes times and seasons versus times and laws is examined. A new name is given. The Khazarian converts are exposed!
The Last Trump is discussed but pivots to the dry bones of Ezekiel 37.
The origin of the real holiday - Passover is discussed.