Shalom, we are almost done restoring and reconnecting all user video content that was affected in the March 11th outage. We thank all of you that have prayed for us and given financially to assist us in restoring access and content. Todah Rabah!
About us
About Us
Welcome to, an online extension of "Biblical Hebrew Awakening" ministry and part of HebrewConnect Media.This is an exclusive website for Hebrews and by Hebrews to share multimedia content and discuss the issues that affect our Israelite nation, community, and family...
This website was birthed as a result of seeing the social media censorship and trolling Biblical Hebrews were experiencing online. Our goal here at is to provide a safe, stable and consistent platform for Messianic Hebrew Assemblies and Hebrew Israelites to connect with one another to share thoughts, ideas, and information pertinent to the Awakening & Gathering of the 12 tribes of Biblical Israel scattered worldwide.
What We Believe
We are believers in one Mashiach... Yahusha Ha'Mashiach. He is our Messiah, King and Great El that came in the name of The Father. There is only one God, our Father El Elyon, and that is Yah'oh aka YHWH. All twelve tribes of Israel ARE NEGRO, and have been scattered throughout the ends of the Earth. We believe in a Torah based Marriage and the love of an Israelite man, and Israelite woman. We stand on the Commandments of our Elohim and apply those Torah based principles even on this website. We believe this platform should be used for the good of our people, to educate, inform, entertain and give a voice to our nation.We are a Hebrew Israelite FIRST ministry and platform, and this platform is to be used by Hebrew Israelites.The focus of this platform is NOT on simply "BLACK" or "African American" issues, but issues and topics that pertain to the Hebrew Israelite community. IS NOT affiliated neither associated with ANY Hebrew Israelite CAMP or Black Hebrew Israelite Ministry.
We DO NOT subscribe to the 1 WEST 12 Tribe Chart, and DO NOT push that doctrine
We DO NOT subscribe to the Esau is the "white man" doctrine, neither do we push that doctrine.
We are not associated or affiliated with ANY extremist groups, agencies, militias or hate groups.
Community Guidelines
Our Community Guidelines are designed to ensure our community stays protected. They set out what’s allowed and not allowed on, and apply to all types of content on our platform, including videos, comments, links, and thumbnails.Spam & deceptive practices will not be doesn’t allow anything that artificially increases the number of views, likes, comments, or other metric either through the use of automatic systems or by serving up videos to unsuspecting viewers. Additionally, content that solely exists to incentivize viewers for engagement (views, likes, comments, etc) is prohibited.
Content and channels that don't follow this policy may be terminated and removed from
Important: If you hire someone to promote your channel, their decisions may impact your channel. Any method that violates our policies may result in content removal or a channel takedown, whether it's an action taken by you or someone you've hired.
We consider engagement to be legitimate when a human user’s primary intent is to interact with content free of coercion or deception, or where the sole purpose of the engagement is financial gain.
If you find content that violates this policy, please report it.
Policy on impersonation
Content intended to impersonate a person or channel is not allowed on also enforces trademark holder rights. When a channel, or content in the channel, causes confusion about the source of goods and services advertised, it may not be allowed.If you see content that violates this policy, please report it.
What these policies mean for you
If you're posting contentDon’t post content on if it fits any of the descriptions noted below.
Channel impersonation: A channel that copies another channel's profile, background, or overall look and feel in such a way that makes it look like someone else's channel. The channel does not have to be 100% identical, as long as the intent is clear to copy the other channel.
Personal impersonation: Content intended to look like someone else is posting it.
Links in your Content
Links that send users to websites featuring content that violates our Community Guidelines are not allowed on you find content that violates this policy, please report it.
If you're posting content
Don’t post links in your content on if they fit any of the descriptions noted below.Links to pornography
Links to websites or apps that install malware
Links to websites or apps phishing for a user’s login credentials, financial information, etc.
Links to websites that seek to raise funds or recruit for terrorist organizations
Links to sites containing Child Sexual Abuse Imagery (CSAI)
This policy applies to videos, video descriptions, comments, live streams, and any other product or feature. Please note this is not a complete list.
Spam, deceptive practices & scams policies doesn’t allow spam, scams, or other deceptive practices that take advantage of our community. We also don’t allow content where the main purpose is to trick others into leaving for another site. If you find content that violates this policy, please report it.