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Inspire Physical Therapy in Brunswick, NJ | (848) 202-1439
Inspire Physical Therapy in Brunswick, NJ | (848) 202-1439 Inspire Physical Therapy 4 Views • 7 days ago

⁣At Inspire Physical Therapy, we are committed to helping you heal, move, and thrive. Our Brunswick Physical Therapy clinic offers customized treatment plans for patients recovering from injuries, surgeries, or chronic conditions. Using state-of-the-art rehabilitation techniques, our skilled team helps improve flexibility, reduce pain, and enhance strength.

Inspire Physical Therapy
980 Shoppes Blvd. North Brunswick, NJ 08902
(848) 202-1439

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Chronic Pain Management
Concussion/Post Concussion Syndrome Rehab
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Jamaican Marcus Garvey fullblooded sidelined 4 LeadersoftheOppression like MulatToesnWhites,then&
Jamaican Marcus Garvey fullblooded sidelined 4 LeadersoftheOppression like MulatToesnWhites,then& LilyoftheValley Iahpickneydem 9 Views • 9 days ago

Jamaican Marcus Garvey of the Maroons 12 Tribes of Jacob/Israel Self Suffciency JAH, Army

⁣Black ThenJune 23, 1923: Marcus Garvey’s Trial Ends; He...›june-23-1923-marcus-garveys-trial-…


By the time when his trial at the court ended on 23rd June, 1923, Marcus Garvey had been sentenced to five years in prison. Garvey blamed Jewish jurors and a Jewish federal judge, Julian Mack, for his conviction.

Marcus Mosiah Garvey, Pardoned by Joe Biden, US, January 19,. 2024 AD Greco Roman Calendar.

LGBt,+Promoter, ASCHENAZI, Tel Aviv Largest Sodom Parade on earth , holy places defiled

Op-ed: Obama Must Stand Up for LGBT Jamaicans›commentary/2015/04/09/op-ed-obama-…

Obama has made upholding the human rights of LGBT people a pillar of his foreign policy and a key legacy issue. ... And that's the demeanor with which Obama should approach the human rights conditions in Jamaica.


Who is ruling the governments, of this earth?

US Virgin Islands Attorney General Denise George (above) was 'relieved of her duties' by the territory's governor over the weekend, days after filing a massive suit against JPMorgan.
Virgin Islands Attorney General Fired During Biden Visit...›news/politics/2023/…

Virgin Islands Attorney General, Denise George, sued JPMorgan Chase in connection to her investigation into Jeffrey Epstein and was promptly fired a few days later.

Obama didn’t pardon Garvey... moving... - Jamaica Observer›2017/02/11/obama-didnt-pardon…

New York USA — They might not have achieved their objective while former President Barack Obama was in office, but organisers of a move to have National Hero Marcus Garvey pardoned for a 1928 conviction in the United States will continue.
Obama refused to pardon black civil rights icon Marcus...›2020/06/17/obama-refused-to-pardon-…

[Marcus Garvey’s son wants President Obama to pardon his famous father]. ... Black nationalist Marcus Garvey is shown in a military uniform as the ‘Provisional President of Africa’ during a parade in Harlem in 1922.

Mark Jefferson Golding in Jamaica


Ethiopia and Sheba are different Rastas Lies  The Ethiopian king queens line does not match Sheba�
Ethiopia and Sheba are different Rastas Lies The Ethiopian king queens line does not match Sheba� LilyoftheValley Iahpickneydem 21 Views • 10 days ago

⁣Ethiopia is a landlocked country in Africa not shippers Sheba Ophir had spices not found in Ethiopia


Jasher 73 Moses in Ethiopia 2395AM The children of Cush placed him on the throne instead of Kikianus king of Cush and they placed the royal crown upon his head, and they gave him for a wife Adoniah the Cushion queen, wife of Kikianus. And Moses feared the Lord God of his fathers, so that he came not to her, nor did he turn his eyes to her.

Ophir Havila far away 3 year journey for gold silver spices etc

Sabeans are separate nation Job 1 v15 Sabeans slew Job's family

Rastafarians are idolaters who don't search truth

Isaiah 45v14 Thus saith the Lord, the labour of Egypt, and the merchandise of Ethiopia and of the Sabeans

Sabeans are far away

Joel 3v8 And I will sell your sons and daughters into the hand of the children of Judah, and they shall sell them to the Sabeans, to a people far off: for the Lord hath spoken it.

1 Kings 11v1 Solomon's many strange women did not list Sabeans Sheba or Ethiopians

The Kings who ruled Israel are listed in the book of Kings and Chronicles

The Book of the Order of the Succession of Families from Adam to Christ which is called the Cave of Treasures
Lists a king who reigned in the days of Reu of Mizraim
A king of Shebha (Saba) and in Ophir and in Havilah And there reigned in Saba sixty of the daughters of Saba. And for many years women reigned in Saba until the kingdom of Solomon, the son of David.

Babylonian Version

Ethiopians do not record 60 female queens and their queens are normally called Kandake or Candace

Book of Adam said the fist King of Saba is said to have been Menyelek I the son of Solomon, King of Mael and Makeda Queen of Sheba

Ethiopians do not list Saba as their first King
Makeda is not listed in the Bible as an Israelite Queen mother

Ethiopians list different Israelites who did not ascend their throne

Ham has a son with Seba and Havila in their genealogy Genesis 10v7 Sons of Cush Seba and Hauilah and Sabtah different from Shem's children of the same name

Shem has grand children with Sheba and Hauilah
Genesis 10 has v22 Children of Shem v26 Joktan, v28 Obal, Abimael and SHEBA v29 Ophir and Havilah and Iobab sons of Ioktan

The inheritance given to SHEM was not the same places given to HAM

Satanic star on Ethiopian flag and One West Camps and their doctrines taught by Cabbalists

Emperor Haile Selassie Overthrown, died or was killed and buried by the next rules in the palace to ensure he did not rise from the dead, AP Article Selassie reburied
Emperor Haile Selassie’s Body Exhumed
ABEBE ANDUALEM February 17, 1992

Rastas REPENT! Bob Marley Robert Nesta Marley was baptised before his death by the Ethiopian Orthodox church as a Christian . Notice Reggae was basically Hebrew Israelite Christian music about the Bible, Jah, Zion, Babylon captivity , Psalm, Praise, Dub, Hymns, Fighting Oppression, until Satanist promoters took it over and the rest is garbage then they started devil music, sing about Selassie etc. Its time to repent. Negroes are Israelites of the 12 Tribes of Jacob, not Ethiopians descended from Ham.

Profile Ian Boyne Interview. Selassie Ethiopia sent minister to Jamaica to teach the Rastafarian community that Jesus Christ is Jehovah , Selassie is not Jesus Christ

Ethiopian Falasha Jews claim descent from the Tribe of Dan had a 13 month (leap month) calendar like the Hebrews and Igbos. According to one source they do not believe in Christ, Mary or the Saints, many are living in Ashkenazim Israel (the most antiChrist place on earth)
From Tragedy to Triumph: The Politics Behind the Rescue of Ethiopian Jewry
By Mitchell Geoffrey Bard

Jeremiah 2v27-28

Egypt Arab African Spirituality identify Pantheons idol ancestor worship in songs teachings theories
Egypt Arab African Spirituality identify Pantheons idol ancestor worship in songs teachings theories LilyoftheValley Iahpickneydem 13 Views • 24 days ago

How to avoid worship idols and peoples' ancestors unawares, each of their Pantheons, and how they incorporate them in their greetings, teachings, songs poems, theories, books, subtly and boldy. Satan presents himself as an angel of light. False teachers will arise and deceive many, Christ warned us

History of Ancient Egypt
George Rawlinson
⁣Kongo religion (Kikongo: Bukongo or Bakongo) encompasses the traditional beliefs of the Bakongo people. Due to the highly centralized position of the Kingdom of Kongo, its leaders were able to influence much of the traditional religious practices across the Congo Basin.[1] As a result, many other ethnic groups and kingdoms in West-Central Africa, like the Chokwe and Mbundu, adopted elements of Bakongo spirituality.[2][3]
The spirituality is based on a complex animistic system and a pantheon of spirits. The principle Creator God of the world is Nzambi Mpungu, the sovereign master, and his female counterpart, Nzambici.[2] While Nzambi Mpungu, who gave birth to the universe and the spirits who inhabit it, is vital to the spirituality, ancestor veneration is the core principle.[4]
The Bakongo cosmos is split between two worlds: the top half representing the physical world, or ku nseke and the bottom half representing the spiritual world, or ku mpèmba.[2] Expert healers, known as Banganga, undergo extensive training to commune with the ancestors in the spiritual realms and seek guidance from them.[1]


⁣Congo cosmology pantheon of idols and similarity to the Big bang theory pushed by antiChrists

⁣Creation of the universeedit
The Bakongo believe that in the beginning, there was only a circular void, called mbûngi, with no life. The Great Spirit, Nzambi Mpungu, summoned a spark of fire, or Kalûnga, that grew until it filled the mbûngi.[2] When it grew too large, Kalûnga became a great force of energy and unleashed heated elements across space, forming the universe with the Sun, stars, planets, etc.[2] Because of this, kalûnga is seen as the origin of life and a force of motion. The Bakongo believe that life requires constant change and perpetual motion. Nzambi Mpungu is also referred to as Kalûnga, the God of change.[2] Similarities between the Bakongo belief of Kalûnga and the Big Bang Theory have been studied.[13]


In the Kingdom of Ndongo in Angola, nature spirits were called kilundu. They existed in the same context as nkisi and nkita. However, like bisimbi, kilundu were largely believed to be spirits that were once living people, who transformed into spirits after they entered the spiritual world. This created evidence of a unifying concept of the two worlds and the four moments of life across ethnic groups in both Kongo and Angola. It also verified that even nature spirits were to go through the lifecycle.[1] 17th Century oral tradition recounts the story of two kilundu named Navieza and Cassumba who left their homeland in the Upper Ganguela region to flee disease. While on their journey, they took shelter in "an isolated hut" in the Kisama. There they died, entered the spiritual world and were transformed into nature spirits whose purpose became to protect those who venerated them from diseases.[1]
This person to nature spirit transformation concept was also recorded in the Kingdom of Kongo in the 20th Century. A man named Mbola is said to have died and transformed into a simbi water spirit that inhabited a stream and taught the living how to use his spiritual power for healing and to create sacred medicines, which became known as mbola.[1]
Unlike the others, nkondi were specifically used as a means to inflict pain on those who came against the kingdom.[20]

The Great Mfinda (forest)
As previously mentioned, nature is essential to Kongo spirituality. While nature spirits later became more associated with water, or kalûnga, they were also known to dwell in the forest, or mfinda (finda in Hoodoo). The Kingdom of Kongo used the term chibila, which referred to sacred groves, where they would venerate these forest spirits.[21] The Kongo people also believed that some ancestors inhabited the forest after death and maintained their spiritual presence in their descendants' lives. These particular ancestors were believed to have died, traveled to Mpémba, and then were reborn as bisimbi. Thus, The Great Mfinda existed as a meeting point between the physical world and the spiritual world. The living saw it as a source of physical nourishment through hunting and spiritual nourishment through contact with the ancestors. One expert on Kongo religion, Dr. Fu-Kiau, even described some precolonial Kongo cosmograms with mfinda as a bridge between the two worlds.[


In the 17th century, the Bakongo people expanded the concept of nkisi to include consecrated objects or charms that contained the essence of nature spirits and their spiritual powers. These minkisi (sing. nkisi) were used for protection and healing.[1] Minkisi were also used to make mojo, or conjure, bags. These mojo bags were essentially small bags where magical items were normally stored. They were also believed to contained the spiritual power of nkisi.[22] A nganga created mojo bags for individuals, using ingredients connected to a specific simbi to invoke the spirit into the mojo bag. Bakongo spiritual philosophy influenced the creation of mojo bags, with Black Americans including certain natural ingredients or animal bones, to house the simbi spirit or an ancestral spirit inside a bag for either protection or healing.[23]


Main articles: Traditional African religions and Bantu religion
Due to the Atlantic slave trade, Bakongo religion was translocated to the Americas along with its enslaved practitioners. Some surviving traditions include conjure, dreaming, possession by the dead to learn wisdom from the ancestors, traditional healing and working with minkisi. The spiritual traditions and religions that have preserved Kongo traditions include Winti, Hoodoo, Palo Monte, Lumbalú, Kumina, Haitian Vodou, Candomblé Bantu, and Venezuelan Yuyu.[24][25][22]


Necromancers , pouring libation for the dead

Gender Confusion is not Biblical. Sexes for People are Male and Female. Transsexual LGBTQ* Child tra
Gender Confusion is not Biblical. Sexes for People are Male and Female. Transsexual LGBTQ* Child tra LilyoftheValley Iahpickneydem 13 Views • 26 days ago

What is trans,sexuals and why it is an ancient abomination , custom of the heathens,
What is L G B T Q P S I +

⁣Tran-sexual Satanic symbols being used by Bible believers need to stop. Confusion is against Bible Laws. Believers in the laws of the Bible need to research all symbols, customs, logos, etc before using and promoting them unawares.

Mantissa Plantarum Altera by

Gender symbol
A gender symbol is a pictogram or glyph used to represent biological sex and gender in biology or medicine, in genealogy, or in the sociological fields of gender politics, LGBT subculture and identity politics. In his Mantissa Plantarum and Mantissa Plantarum altera, Carl Linnaeus regularly used ♂, ♀ and ☿ for 'male', 'female' and hybrid plants respectively. Pictograms used to indicate male and female public toilets became widely used beginning in the 1960s.

Isaiah 32:5
The vile person shall be no more called liberal, nor the churl said to be bountiful.


Genesis 5:2
Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.
Genesis 7:2
Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his female: and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female.

Mark 10:6
But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female.

Genesis 7:16

And they that went in, went in male and female of all flesh, as God had commanded him: and the LORD shut him in.


Leviticus 19:19
Ye shall keep my statutes. Thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with a diverse kind: thou shalt not sow thy field with mingled seed: neither shall a garment mingled of linen and woollen come upon thee.

Jehovah reserves death as the punishment for flesh of a diverse kind, trans, theory of evolution , cloning, etc Book of Jasher:

Job 21:10
Their bull gendereth, and faileth not; their cow calveth, and casteth not her calf.

Job 38:29
Out of whose womb came the ice? and the hoary frost of heaven, who hath gendered it?

Galatians 4:24
Which things are an allegory: for these are the two covenants; the one from the mount Sinai, which gendereth to bondage, which is Agar.

2 Timothy 2:23
But foolish and unlearned questions avoid, knowing that they do gender strifes.

The sexes are to differ by apparel CROSS DRESSING IS AN ABOMINATION


The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.

Hebrews 13:4
Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.

Genesis 38:8
And Judah said unto Onan, Go in unto thy brother's wife, and marry her, and raise up seed to thy brother.

Numbers 36:6 This is the thing which the LORD doth command concerning the daughters of Zelophehad, saying, Let them marry to whom they think best; only to the family of the tribe of their father shall they marry.

Two males cannot make children and two females cannot make children:

Tran sexual , L G B T Q , Sodomy, Eugenists, Lesbians, etc reduce the population of the earth, they are one generation from destruction to lack of reproduction
They cannot multiply the population of the earth , they only reduce it, in disobeying the laws of Jehovah and natural generational posterity

Genesis 9:1
And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth.

Parents is Male and Female able to bear biological children

Mark 13:12
Now the brother shall betray the brother to death, and the father the son; and children shall rise up against their parents, and shall cause them to be put to death.

Office of the Holy Virgins in the Bible sex is not to be used for sin, bodies unclean after sex

EUNUCHS: Eunuch | Britannica

Eunuch, castrated human male.

2 Kings 20:18
And of thy sons that shall issue from thee, which thou shalt beget, shall they take away; and they shall be eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon.

Isaiah 56:4For thus saith the LORD unto the eunuchs that keep my sabbaths, and choose the things that please me, and take hold of my covenant;

Emmanuel Macron Scandal

Ashkenazi,pedophiles.n, their protectors in high places
Stew Peters network, warning expletives

Fakes in High places Obama Macron etc. DEI Degrees Doctorates Certificates Diplomas Experts birth pa
Fakes in High places Obama Macron etc. DEI Degrees Doctorates Certificates Diplomas Experts birth pa LilyoftheValley Iahpickneydem 10 Views • 26 days ago

Made up "slaveowner democracy", form of government run by deep,state shadow government, oligarchs, technocrats, bureaucrats, war, weapons, resource mongers , "academia", actors, actresses, orators, players, traffickers in persons and nations,
Fake families, fake credentials, many are related to each other worldwide through coups, plots, alliances.

⁣Greater Khaganate plot worldwide

Deep fakes in high places, made up experts
Plagiarism AI, projects, Professors, law maker

Diversity Equity Inclusion
L G B T ×+

Ancient Israelites, Black like Ancient Kedar Qedar and Ancient Kush, Ethiopians

Emmanuel Macron & school teacher scandal in France
Trudeau in Canada and Castro in Cuba
Obama, multiple names, countries, identities

Candace Owens Becoming Bridgitte

Kamala Devi Harris made up "Black Jamaican family"

The truth about Kamala Harris's grandmother by her Jamaican neighbour/Beryl autobiog photo not real

Lady Colin Campbell

Fake,marriages, unnatural relations , redefining natural laws, rebelling against Jehovah's order for the earth and its peoples and their posterity

Justin Trudeau Fidel Castro Resemblance

⁣ ⁣
Times Of India › news › world news › rest of world news
Justin Trudeau: What is the Fidel Castro-Justin Trudeau conspiracy theory? | World News - The Times of India

October 15, 2024 - The theory rests on superficial observations, including supposed similarities in appearance between Justin Trudeau and Fidel Castro, as well as unfounded claims about Margaret Trudeau's interactions with Castro. Proponents of the conspiracy have pointed to vague timelines and photographs to ...

Publishedreporter › home › op-ed: justin trudeau, self-proclaimed fan of fidel castro, tries again to shut down rebel news

Medium› @leibowitt › of-course-fidel-castro-is-justin-trudeaus-dad-nobody-has-debunked-anything-4db6fc8a9042
Of Course Fidel Castro is Justin Trudeau’s Dad. Nobody Has ‘Debunked’ Anything | by Karen Leibowitcz | Medium

April 7, 2022 - In the age of sloppy journalism, few authors are sloppier than those who claim they ‘debunked’ the story that Fidel Castro is Justin Trudeau’s biological father. They recite the Canadian governments’ official travel dates to Cuba and painfully avoid the Trudeaus’ extensive personal ...

Mark Jefferson Golding , Jamaica, unable to produce Jamaica hospital , birth records, certificate of live birth, and travelled on a British passport majority of his life, and claims to be a born Jamaican ... no evidence verified to date

Andrew Holness, Prime Minister of Jamaica, who is the daddy, Holness or Bramwell? Samoa,LGBT,Soros USAID money,Chabad,meetings, to promote, degeneracy in Jamaica, secret meetings, dealings

Jehovah revealing what is done in secret must come to light

LA Lewis , Andrew Holness
Real Name?
Secret Satanic Societies, and their members, when they expose each other in their high places, groves, rituals, etc, ⁣

US Court, Southern District of New York, Liberal, What the Sodom judges were like , punish the innocent, n the guilty get rewards

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