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Caesars Czars Tzars Poets Philosophers Rhetoric Stoics Epicureans Moralists in Bible
Caesars Czars Tzars Poets Philosophers Rhetoric Stoics Epicureans Moralists in Bible LilyoftheValley Iahpickneydem 60 Views • 1 day ago

How to prove the people in the Bible exist in the earth such as Caesars Tzars Czars Cesares Poets Philosophers Grammarians Rhetoricians Moralists ETC

Who was in power in the earth at the time when Jesus Christ of Nazareth came from heaven to earth?

⁣Luke 3:1
1Now in the fifteenth yeere of the reigne of Tiberius Cesar, Pontius Pilate being Gouernour of Iudea, & Herode being Tetrarch of Galilee, and his brother Philip Tetrarch of Iturea, and of the region of Trachonitis, and Lysanias the Tetrarch of Abilene, 2Annas and Caiaphas being the high Priests, the word of God came vnto Iohn the sonne of Zacharias, in the wildernesse. 3And he came into all the countrey about Iordane, preaching the baptisme of repentance, for the remissiō of sinnes,

⁣Acts 27:1 And when it was determined, that wee should saile into Italy, they deliuered Paul, & certaine other prisoners, vnto one named Iulius, a centurion of Augustus band.

Acts 27:3 And the next day wee touched at Sidon: And Iulius courteously entreated Paul, and gaue him libertie to goe vnto his friends to refresh himselfe.

⁣Acts 11:28 And there stood vp one of them, named Agabus, and signified by the spirit, that there should be great dearth throughout all the world: which came to passe in the dayes of Claudius Cesar.

Acts 18:2 And found a certaine Iewe named Aquila, borne in Pontus, lately come from Italy, with his wife Priscilla, (because that Claudius had commanded all Iewes to depart from Rome) and came vnto them.

Acts 23:26 Claudius Lysias, vnto the most excellent Gouernour Felix, sendeth greeting.

St. Joseph of Arimathea at Glastonbury, by Lionel Smithett Lewis, page 86.
St. Gildas, Christ, in the last year , of Tiberius Caesar (De excidio Britanniae, Sec 8, p. 25) Th yeis was in A.D. 37, four years after the crucifixion.

This is the date of the persecution of the Church by Saul of Tarsus, when "they were all scattered abroad except the Apostles."

Eusebius Ecclesiastical History Book 2 Chapter 2 and 3 confirms the fact of TIberius's protection of the Church. Thus Christianity spread rapidly.

Church constructed by Christ himself, the Church of St. Mary at Glastonbury, by the Disciples of Christ ...a Church constructed by no human art, but by the Hand of Christ Himself, for the salvation of His people. (Pg 86, St. Joseph of Arimathea at Glastonbury).

The Acts of Pilate

The Gospel of Nicodemus

St. Augustine, Writing AD 600 to Pope Gregory

The Hand of the Almighty, Redemption Song, Bob Marley and the Wailers ⁣

Negro Slave Bible - Negros Are NOT Animals - E5
Negro Slave Bible - Negros Are NOT Animals - E5 Disciples of Yahawashi 641 Views • 3 days ago

⁣Ever thought, "Is it possible that Christians would treat Negros like animals?” Ever wonder, "Did the Negro suffer spiritual bondage during slavery?" Or, "Did YOUR church ever treat Negros like animals?" How about, "Is it possible that the Negro was treated so cruel because they are God's chosen people?"


Referenced Video: "Negus, Niger vs the N-Word"
YouTube Channel: @WeWokeNow

Episode 5

Table of Contents
00:00 Something 2 Think About Opening Question and Video
02:41 Administrative Announcements
04:28 Recap of Previous Video Presentations
06:49 All Praises To The Most High Video
08:16 Start of Today's Presentation
11:26 How "THEY" Define Species
15:30 How "THEY" Define Negro
21:54 "THEY" Viewed Negros as Animals
35:08 "THEY" Viewed Negros as Barbarians and Savages
44:43 "THEY" Had Negro Sex Slaves
47:59 Evolution's Role in "THEY" Belief
57:40 Slavery vs Inhumane Treatment
01:01:57 Conclusion
01:07:51 Highlight Video of Today's Presentation
01:08:43 Disciples of Yahawashi Social Media Video
01:09:04 Disciples of Yahawashi Donation Video
01:09:43 Something 2 Think About Closing Video

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⁣Pageants DancehallQueens Spoiled Bloodlines EdomArab,etc corrupt Fullblooded people. No bastardsong
⁣Pageants DancehallQueens Spoiled Bloodlines EdomArab,etc corrupt Fullblooded people. No bastardsong LilyoftheValley Iahpickneydem 161 Views • 3 days ago

⁣Lilyofthevalley3-4-2 Caribbean Mullato Mixed Class

⁣Pageants DancehallQueens Spoiled Bloodlines EdomArab,etc corrupt Fullblooded people. No bastardsong

No bastard no deh again song under Communism, Michael Manley, Alexander Bustanante were mullatoes, etc, forced Jamaicans out of man and woman marriage into a multiple baby mamma, baby father society when one generation ago, the children were born into Bible based marriages for male and female of the same common ancestor (Consanguinity) .
Beautiful,women who bring shame to their families, in scripture
Lisa Hanna,Cancels Queen Ifrica in Jamaica
Nazi,Bloodlines,like,MarkJeffersonGolding,his,father,family,etc from Europa,TheLastBattle,see Ezekiel 38,why,they,funding,so,many,wars,eugenics,etc,
THe effect of communism,on Jamaica and on the earth
DancehallQueen,Carlene, & Lisa Hanna, Jamaica's Minister of Youth and Culture?? Whose culture?
Aschenaz-means,German, See Genesis 10v1-5,Childrenof Gomer,Gomarrah,etc,
The,Aschenazi,Arabis,etc,in Gaza,Jerusalem,Bethlehem,Ashdod, today ...
Feds accuse Deutsche Bank of mortgage fraud›2011/05/04/feds-accuse-deutsche-bank-…
The suit alleges that Deutsche Bank submitted some 39,000 unsavory mortgage loans under the HUD program, of which a third are currently in default.
Deutsche Bank Accused Of Massive Mortgage Fraud, Sued...›entry/deutsche-bank-mortgage-fraud_n…
"While Deutsche Bank and MortgageIT profited from the resale of these government-insured mortgages, thousands of American homeowners have faced default and eviction."

Deutsche Bank And MORTGAGEIT Settle Federal Fraud...›sites/billsinger/2012/05/10/deutsche-…
Perhaps it is a cultural issue fostered by the SEC's civil capacity versus the US Attorney's more typical criminal role -- except in the Deutsche Bank case, the US Attorney has filed a civil fraud suit.
U.S. Accuses Deutsche Bank of Massive Mortgage Fraud›features/u-s-accuses-deutsche-…
The charges say Deutsche Bank and its mortgage unit, MortgageIT, lied to the U.S. by telling the Federal Housing Administration its low-income mortgages qualified for government guarantees when they did not.
Government Settles Deutsche Bank Mortgage Fraud Case...›2012/government-settles-deutsche-…
In the case of Deutsche Bank and MortgageIT, taxpayers will soon get back $202,000,000.›world/us-sues-deutsche-bank-for-…
The US DOJ sued German giant Deutsche Bank Tuesday for more than $1 billion for mortgage fraud, saying the bank illegally obtained government insurance for substandard mortgages during the US housing boom.
Zechariah 9:6

“And a bastard shall dwell in Ashdod, and I will cut off the pride of the Philistines.”
The mulattoes,n,Whites,etc,came and introduced,degeneracy,bleaching,blonde,war,gangs,weapons,toJamaica

todepopulate them,in,addition,to 2 is better than too many UN population campaign, when most women were havign about 12 + children in the previous generation

POLICE ALL OVER THE EARTH NEED TO START CHARGING ALL PEOPELE FOR CRIMES, SMALL AND GREAT, EVEN IF NOTHING COMES OF IT, START ENFORCING THE LAWS ON THE BOOKS NOW... See how fast things will change in your nations and free up space in high places for full blooded natives

Sin,Tourism,Caribbean,destroyed,onceholynations=Degenerates Paradise

Curacao,Trinidad,Jamaica,Haiti,Pedophile,Islands,Jeffery,Epstein, Naomi,Campbell etcf

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