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Tehillim/Psalm 100 (Scripture Meditation) with Eman Robinson
Tehillim/Psalm 100 (Scripture Meditation) with Eman Robinson ProjectYahsGarden 44 Views • 4 years ago

Shalom mishpachah! To the qodeshim in ‎𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 💖

*This is not a professional project*

A very good friend of mine invited me to do this song with him and it was an honor to work with him and it’s always pleasure to be able to serve fellow believers ❤️

This series is intended to guide the believer into meditation on the true and eternal Word of Yah. As it is written in Yahusha/Joshua 1:8, “This book of the Torah shall not depart out of your mouth; but you shall meditate therein, day and night, that you may guard to do according to all that is written therein: for then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall have good success.”

I believe for us to have a relationship with the Father of all living, we must connect with His Word on a consistent basis. It must be our “go-to” as it is the instructions for life and invitation of the Ruach HaQodesh.

Open up the living Word and follow along. Ponder and chew the words and let these spiritual truths melt into your being. It also benefits you to combine studies of our national history with the study of Scripture to develop the truth seeker in a well rounded understanding of our current reality.

Confession of the children of Israel:

Kingdom Preppers- Scattered Among the Nations

School for the Prophets- From Babylon to America

Thoughtscameraaction- History + Prophecy of Esau/Rome

IOG UK- Black History Told by the Prophets PT 1: COLOR

Zion Music- Refined in the Fire

Ask the Father of Creation for more of His Ruach as you embark to hide these words in your heart, as it is written: “Your Word have I hidden in my heart, that I might not sin again You. (Tehillim 119:11)”

My bruddah
Eman Robinson’s Instagram

Download the Anchor app and follow tune in for the Escape the Matrix podcast. New episodes on Tuesdays.

Beat by: rellyrelllllllll

Thank you for your love & support!

Our goal and purpose is to edify the last days brethren as they come in contact with this work. We also work to proclaim the coming kingdom and return of Yahusha Ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ) by providing content to encourage repentance of the unbeliever and to begin to cultivate a life dedicated to Yah and His things.

Watch some of our other videos:
Psalm/Tehillim 100 Meditation

Summer 2020 garden update

Fall garden update

Couch talk: Fruits & Faith

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Grace and peace to you in Yahusha’s name.

Yah, may you continue to be a fortress for us and help us to withstand the attacks from the enemy. Amein. Praise, honor & glory belongs to you through your son Yahusha.

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