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-As the author of confusion rolls out tricknology, medi-kill martial law, and head spinning poli-tricks, the great transition unfolds on earth. Let's talk about it.
JOIN US LIVE! Monday 5pm West Coast
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Analyzing the backbone to Secret Societies, and Intelligence Agency's social domination and global control through fraternal organizations, trauma based mind control, the University system and its "universal" behavior modification program, and more.
To Support this Channel/Donate: https://www.patreon.com/dayzofnoahchannel
Contact me : dayzofnoahchannel@gmail.com

The truth behind the marxist social death squad BLACK LIVES MATTER, how we got to this point, and the bringing together of the nation under the new world order through Trauma Bonding. The quiet cultural revolution WILL be televised and streamed live. Human rights have been weaponized, and groups are being divided on racial/social lines, new video games are numbing the masses, and sports stars/celebs are being utilized to cry wolf, all the while a huge plan is brewing beneath the noses of a nation.
Contact me: dayzofnoahchannel@gmail.com
To Support this Channel/Donate: https://www.patreon.com/dayzofnoahchannel

2pacHoax Revealed channel, link to video series: https://youtu.be/x_pFMzydXYU
The episode that was referred to as "Roots" is actually called "The Ancestors" (s3 e19).
brothermintheo@gmail.com to send emails, questions, suggestions and SWS submissions
atempleofthetrueryahshua@yahoo.com to sow support via PayPal or paypal.me/unplugem

"Big Nas" is named, "Nasir" Jones. Nasir is an Arabic masculine name which can mean "helper" or one who gives victory.
But who is Lil Nas? What is a Montero, esoterically speaking, and what is giving him victory over our attention, and why is this happening "NOW"?
Do they connect - and how? What is the brotherhood/symbolism and ideology which ties many industry entities together, to gather the masses?
email brothermintheo@gmail.com for prayer requests, concerns etc.
If you are led to do so, please sow a small seed of support, 1$, 5$, $10 via PayPal send to
(that's spelled A TEMPLE OF THE TRUER YAHSHUA) OR brothermintheo@gmail.com, OR to
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or send an email to brothermintheo@gmail.com for other options. Every storehouse
needs provision, and we use that provision to help those who are in need, as well as to aid the steward in maintaining the temple. It is a time when aid is needed on every side. Thank you.

-As the author of confusion rolls out tricknology, we can historically calculate the role HipHop has played in formulating his mission of confusion and corruption. Lets talk about it..
JOIN US LIVE! Monday 5pm West Coast
Website: https://www.dayzofnoah.com/
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Donate: https://paypal.me/DayzON34
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Bitchute: https://www.****ute.com/channel/GWnFtD83ioOf/
Backup Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCHIDyq2xh7Nl_w4Sp
MERCH: https://shop.spreadshirt.com/dayz-of-noah/
Unplugem Channel : https://www.youtube.com/user/unplugem