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When it comes to discovering or determining who the true descendants of Yisrael are, one must consider the evidence provided in scripture. This video is one of a multiple part series that, Yah willing, we'll be sharing on the channel. Please, if you are a descendant of the Transatlantic or even Arab slave trades, consider what's written in the scriptures that will be reviewed. Analyze it against you and your ancestor's known history. Are these verses describing what you or your ancestors have endured? Think about it. Our people were made to forget their names, language, heritage - EVERYTHING! This was by design and happened for a reason. Our ancestors turned their backs on the One True Ahlahayam/Elohiym (God) and rejected His Son and therefore these things (curses) have befallen our people from generation to generation. It doesn't have to remain this way - REPENT, RETURN, and BELIEVE my People - We Are Yisrael! Shalom! You may connect with us directly via email at:
Word of the Day - Some encouragement on how we're to conduct ourselves in the fear of Yahawah. As Children of the Most High and joint heirs with HaMashayach we must remember that we are a reflection of our Heavenly Father and our Savior Yahawashi! For it is written: Colossians 3:17 - And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Adawan Yahawashi, giving thanks to Yahawah the Father by Him. How do we do this? By walking in every Fruit of the Spirit and keeping His commandments - Especially in that we are to love one another - despite our differences and frustrations we may develop with one another, we MUST still LOVE the brethren - LOVE YOUR PEOPLE!
Just a question we'd like to challenge the descendants of the transatlantic slave trade to answer... Do you REALLY KNOW who you are? We call ourselves by all these various names and titles (even more than were mentioned) and then you have those brothers and sisters that don't desire to be described or called anything but American or by the name of the nation in which they have citizenship. This is usually because that's where they were born or that's all they know and have no care for their true identity for the past is the past and they wish not to associate with it. And to this, all we say is - to each their own, for this is nothing new. Nevertheless, for those whose soul yearns to know WHO they are, and WHY have all these ills have come upon our people generation after generation - the start to those answers is at the end of this short clip. If you are a seeker of Truth, you've come to the right place, and it is our prayer that the Elohiym (God) of Truth confirm His Word to you! Yah is waking up His people that have been scattered around the world and drawing them back to Himself and His Son the Mashiyach (Messiah/Christ) in righteousness and Truth! He who has ears to hear, let him HEAR! So be it!