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In Part 1 we to provide evidence that what the believers did in Acts 2:42-47 and Acts 4:31 - Acts 5:14 were not merely descriptive but they were prescriptive by comparing them with Ephesians 4 and Exodus 25, 35 and 36:1-3. We prove that Yah has a blueprint of His tabernacle in the wilderness and that the Apostles were building His tabernacle according to the blueprints/pattern given to Moses on Mt. Sinai. In this part we will provide even more evidence to solidify that position. We will look at the same texts in Acts and Ephesians and compare them to Exodus 36:10-13, comparing spiritual thing with spiritual as instructed by the Apostle Paul. This is an answer to the bad hermeneutics of the Christians, Non-Messianic Israelites and Israelite camps in our online communities.
We will look at the Ephesians 4 and attempt to prove that the early believers in MessiYah were actually teaching and living according to Torah in a New and Living way. We will continue to answer to the bad hermeneutics of the Christians, Non-Messianic Israelites and Israelite camps in our online communities.
A look at the blueprint of The Ministrations of Life and Death in Pauline theology to discover how they work in the life of the believer. In part 3, the final study for now in this series, we leave off from the Ministration of Death and begin to transition into a new study serious "A New and Living Way" by taking a cue from Paul and comparing spiritual things with spiritual. We look at some misunderstood verses concerning the law. We deal with the change in the law that has taken place because of the New Covenant. And we continue to answer to the bad hermeneutics of the Christians, the Paul haters and Israelites, both messianic as well as Non messianic in our online communities.
A look at the blueprint of The Ministrations of Life and Death in Pauline theology to discover how they work in the life of the believer. In this part we study what the veil Moses wore over his face represents in Paul's 2nd Epistle to the Corinthians as we continue to answer to the bad hermeneutics of the Christians, the Paul haters and the Torah only Israelites in our online communities.
A look at the blueprint of The Ministrations of Life and Death in Pauline theology to discover how they work in the life of the believer. In this part we study what the Ministrations of Life and Death are and the mechanics of how they work in Paul's 2nd Epistle to the Corinthians and other Pauline Epistles. This is an answer to the bad hermeneutics of the Christians, the Paul haters and the Torah only Israelites in our online communities.
In this video series we explore the argument concerning circumcision in the New Testament by comparing what Moses wrote about circumcision in the OT with what we see in the Book Acts and some of the epistles. Was the circumcision that the Apostle's opponents argued should be performed on the new believing Gentiles even biblical? Join us as we explore this topic and see what the bible reveals.
In this video series we explore the argument concerning circumcision in the New Testament by comparing what Moses wrote about circumcision in the OT with what we see in the Book Acts and some of the epistles. Was the circumcision that the Apostle's opponents argued should be performed on the new believing Gentiles even biblical? Join us as we explore this topic and see what the bible reveals.
This is a series on Paul's "Works of the Law" phrase. In this series we will try to bring the meaning of this phrase and other words of Paul into it's historical context using the Bible, common sense, historical references, archaeological findings, and Biblical Scholarship as we seek to understand Paul's theology in his epistles and its impact on today's Theological view point on the phrase itself. Part 1 We seek to understand what Jewish Law is, what it consists of categorically and where it stands within New Testament understanding. Part 2 While still seeking to get a better grasp on Jewish Law we take a look at the term Judaizer and we compare Jewish Tradition to Jewish Ceremonial and Ritual Law. Part 3 In this portion of our study we take a real close look at Jewish Tradition. We define terms and talk about the spiritual significance of Jewish Tradition within a New Testament perspective. Part 4 We learn what the phrase "The Works of the Law" means in a historical context and look at the biblical text in that light and test to see if history is telling us the truth according to the text. Part 5 and beyond - To Be Revealed!
This is a study of the Appointed Times of Yahuah. In this study we are not looking at the feasts in the usual manner that we often hear being taught. No, in this study we look at how we can build Israel. We look at how ouir ancestors were to keep the feasts to the benefit of all of Israel. They are the times appointed by Yah to bring your money, for the building of His house, for the reedeming of our people, for taking care of the poor, for loving one another in more than just words. This is a BluePrint to how we today can start to bring oursleves, our families, our people, Israel out and gird oursleves up as a people against the days ahead of us and do it quickly.
In this study we look at what a covenant is in a way in which I personally have not heard many pastors, preachers and teachers talk about it. I often hear the super deep teachings of certain aspects of the biblical covenants but not the basics aspects that we can apply today to help us to identify different parts of a covenant and what their roles are in a covenant. in this video using the bible we try to identify what the New Covenant is, what the terms and conditions of the New Covenant are and what benefits and penalties come with it. So, let us study it together so we might have answer for every man that asks for a reason for the hope that is in us.
In this study we discuss biblical nation building/kingdom building. We search the scriptures to see if we can find any evidence of a blueprint or plan to follow on how to nation build/kingdom build. Come study with us. I think we will discover that there is a way to build biblically.
This video expolers the ancient Israelite custom of casting lots, the many things the lot was used for in Israel, not only in the so called Old Testament but also in the New. Is casting lots relevant for today? If so, how can casting lots help us? Can casting lots in Israel bring unity? Come let's explore the scriptures and look for the answers to these questions together.