We regret to inform you that on March 11th, 2025, our Data Center, which hosts our platform, was involved in a suspicious Cyber Attack. We are currently working to restore user content and rebuild our database. We have been able to restore resources up to March 2nd, 2025. Please keep us in prayer as we seek to restore service and user resources.
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Please visit the blog🤔: https://john-the-beloved.com/h....idden-secrets-of-rev
The Greeks lived in the Middle East for 1000 years. They never left. Where are they today, and who are their descendants? The same thing goes for the Roman, Turks and Germanic races.
This reading is taken from “A Short History of the Copts and of their Church”- page 72.
Translated from the Arabic of Taqi-ed-Din El-Maqrīzi -1873
Taqiyy al-Dīn al-Maqrīzī (1364-1442) was a medieval Egyptian historian. He is considered one of the most important medieval Islamic historians.
This explains that the Israelites were black Christians living in Egypt when the Muslims conquered Egypt in the 7th century.

#duet with @Afrikan Panther Dr. Umar got this one in the bag! #healyourcommunity #watchtillend #wecandoit #healourcommunities #allpowertothepeople #blkpanther #forthepeople #bythepeople #standforsomethingorfallforanything #healgenerationaltrauma #blklove #forthepeople #forthepeoplebythepeople #standforsomething #blackeconomics #highvibrational