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400 yrs of Slavery Enochian (Hebrew) Calendar Update Vlog Youtube Channel Attack

52 Views • 12/19/20
Into All Truth Live Light Well

Pro 12:1 Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge, But he who hates correction is STUPID.

According to the Date Set by America and Documents Commemorating The "Arrival of Slaves" in America, if we use the Hebrew Calendar, slavery in America is over. But few Negroes, especially teachers of the "Truth" believe it. Why and how it's over, what the backlash has been on the topic and why my channel is under attack.

To watch the full breakdown go to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5u2ZBfB1KXU&t=1810s for more detail on the simplicity of the Enochian/Hebrew Calendar

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