Shalom, we are almost done restoring and reconnecting all user video content that was affected in the March 11th outage. We thank all of you that have prayed for us and given financially to assist us in restoring access and content. Todah Rabah!
Artificers,=Frauds=Artificial Intelligence =,Digital,Thiefs, Scams by machine learning models
Have you ever called an automated system and it goes on and on and then hang up. Have you ever had an automated AI system work things out in your favour and your best interest? Why do they have a problem issuing credits, giving customers the best deal for them? If AI is so smart why does it not know people are going through hard times, inflation is high, and to give people a break to make their economic situation better? Why does it not know disabled, sick, veterans, poor, need better prices is they are on fixed incomes, and send those out automatically to be ahead of the inflationary pressures?
Elon Musk, artificers,AntiChrist. Psalm 2
Moon landing,scams
AI Invention Woes Algorithms Technology Microwaves Remote Control Assassins Robotics Fractional Vote
Tycoons, Oligarchs, Technocrats, how governments use them worldwide to take over countries people, resources, etc
Starwars, Robotwars, digital satellite wars, information wars, surveillance wars,
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