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Esau did not learn to read and write he studied war, Jacob learned from the Patriarchs reading n wri
Why Jacob learned to read and write
Esau did not learn to read and write
Jubilees 19
Keturah, her lineage
Rebecca her lineage
Esau married Canaanites and Ishmaelites
Women who worship the idols of Arabia, Afghanistan, Boko haram school girls kidnapped, etc how they are treated
Forever wars
Laziness,idleness,lead to degeneracy, theft, Romans 1
Ezekiel 16:49 Behold, this was the iniquitie of thy sister Sodom; Pride, fulnesse of bread, and aboundance of idlenesse was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poore and needy.
Edward Blum Ashkenazi see Ezekiel 38, Obadiah prophesy
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