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Fakes in High places Obama Macron etc. DEI Degrees Doctorates Certificates Diplomas Experts birth pa

7 Views • 02/27/25
LilyoftheValley Iahpickneydem

Made up "slaveowner democracy", form of government run by deep,state shadow government, oligarchs, technocrats, bureaucrats, war, weapons, resource mongers , "academia", actors, actresses, orators, players, traffickers in persons and nations,
Fake families, fake credentials, many are related to each other worldwide through coups, plots, alliances.

⁣Greater Khaganate plot worldwide

Deep fakes in high places, made up experts
Plagiarism AI, projects, Professors, law maker

Diversity Equity Inclusion
L G B T ×+

Ancient Israelites, Black like Ancient Kedar Qedar and Ancient Kush, Ethiopians

Emmanuel Macron & school teacher scandal in France
Trudeau in Canada and Castro in Cuba
Obama, multiple names, countries, identities

Candace Owens Becoming Bridgitte

Kamala Devi Harris made up "Black Jamaican family"

The truth about Kamala Harris's grandmother by her Jamaican neighbour/Beryl autobiog photo not real

Lady Colin Campbell

Fake,marriages, unnatural relations , redefining natural laws, rebelling against Jehovah's order for the earth and its peoples and their posterity

Justin Trudeau Fidel Castro Resemblance

⁣ ⁣
Times Of India › news › world news › rest of world news
Justin Trudeau: What is the Fidel Castro-Justin Trudeau conspiracy theory? | World News - The Times of India

October 15, 2024 - The theory rests on superficial observations, including supposed similarities in appearance between Justin Trudeau and Fidel Castro, as well as unfounded claims about Margaret Trudeau's interactions with Castro. Proponents of the conspiracy have pointed to vague timelines and photographs to ...

Publishedreporter › home › op-ed: justin trudeau, self-proclaimed fan of fidel castro, tries again to shut down rebel news

Medium› @leibowitt › of-course-fidel-castro-is-justin-trudeaus-dad-nobody-has-debunked-anything-4db6fc8a9042
Of Course Fidel Castro is Justin Trudeau’s Dad. Nobody Has ‘Debunked’ Anything | by Karen Leibowitcz | Medium

April 7, 2022 - In the age of sloppy journalism, few authors are sloppier than those who claim they ‘debunked’ the story that Fidel Castro is Justin Trudeau’s biological father. They recite the Canadian governments’ official travel dates to Cuba and painfully avoid the Trudeaus’ extensive personal ...

Mark Jefferson Golding , Jamaica, unable to produce Jamaica hospital , birth records, certificate of live birth, and travelled on a British passport majority of his life, and claims to be a born Jamaican ... no evidence verified to date

Andrew Holness, Prime Minister of Jamaica, who is the daddy, Holness or Bramwell? Samoa,LGBT,Soros USAID money,Chabad,meetings, to promote, degeneracy in Jamaica, secret meetings, dealings

Jehovah revealing what is done in secret must come to light

LA Lewis , Andrew Holness
Real Name?
Secret Satanic Societies, and their members, when they expose each other in their high places, groves, rituals, etc, ⁣

US Court, Southern District of New York, Liberal, What the Sodom judges were like , punish the innocent, n the guilty get rewards

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iOS Tester1
iOS Tester1
4 days ago

If we only had a SHOCK 😳 emoji, we would use it!

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