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KamalaDeviHaRris has a Psalm 2 problem n Psalm83,Genesis 10v1-5, Rev2v9, 16, 17 Herodias genes
Oct.27.2024 AD
How Psalm 2 demolished the Leftist,Liberal Democrats in the US, elections, and Kamala Devi Harris, of Hindoo idolatry culture, whose war against Children of Israel in the womb, and the promotion of degenerate customs worldwide, led to their massive defeats....Obama,Biden,Clintons,Ashkenaz,Japhet,Edom,slaveowner democracies...
Kamala Harris in history and Bible prophesy
Obama/Biden/Harris,FultonCountyGA,Deutsche Bank etc stole my properties using fraud, stole my retirement, no lawyer or court would help us, none went to jail, homeowners not compensated to this day, but 2bigtofail got more bailout on top of what they stole, the chickens have come home to roost
By their deeds ye shall know them
Genesis 10 v1to5 Hindu.Edom.Syrian.Ashkenazi slave owner antichrist lineage
Sorcery.hindu.coconut.ceremony, stay away from idolaters n scoffers
Psalm 2 antiChrist lineage
Exodus 20 idolTer lineage
Rev 2v9
Rev 3v9
Rev 16
Rev 17 WhoreofBabylon.Hindu.coconut ceremony.witchcraft. see Jan.2021,ceremony
Psalm 83
Potiphars wife did what to Joseph?
Herod tried to do what to baby Jesus,?
Herodias beheaded John the Baptist who exposed the leaders adulterous ways
CEsars.AntiChrists.kilzed 2 years old boys trying to kill King Jesus Christ of Nazareth
Killed the saints and early Christians wars against the holy and righteous
Nazis.Hitler.said the Judens of the Bible are Black Negers see Timelife,Books.TheNazis.
Planned generational,extinction of Negroe by wars,abominations.whoredom.degeneracy.lackofefucation,bio experimentz. Matt 24signs in.the earth
Lawfare n Censorship
How they install "others" to infiltrate Negroe Nations worldwide , Slave masters traumatizing Negroes n Negresses all over again
Mystery Babylon war against Bible laws n Christ Revelation 22 Plagues
Children ofZion are going home We are Christ,s armies
Chalice Good to be there it will be good to be there when the gates of Zion are closed
Though the road is rocky it's the only way we got to go
The gates of hell and devils let out from the bottomless pit will not prevail against the church
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