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My Husband | A Powerful Prayer for Husbands | Prayer Praise Worship| Lashawan Ahabah | Love Language

67 Views • 12/18/24
The KOYOC Podcast
The KOYOC Podcast
51 Subscribers

Lashawan Ahabah is a new segment of the Kingdom of YAH Over Culture Ministries, brought to you by Lashawan Ahabah means love language or language of love in the Ancient Hebrew tongue. The Ancient Hebrew word Lashawan means language or tongue (Strong’s H3956). The word Ahabah means love (Strong’s H160). As believers and followers of the Way of the Most High YAH, we use our "tongues," or rather language, to show love to the Father, His Son, Y’SHUA, Jesus The Messiah, and our neighbor. The Word tells us in Matthew 22:37-40, “Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Master thy ELOHIM with all thy heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” We express this love through prayer, poems, praise, and worship. Whether you listen, recite, or say these prayers in your heart, Abba hears you. Let’s exalt Him together! Shalom!

Father YAH,
Thank YOU for my husband
Thank YOU for his strength
His endurance
His ability to persevere
Even when he is faced
With so much opposition
Thank YOU for his love
His kindness
His warm embrace
When I see him
I see Your love Father YAH
Thank YOU for blessing me with a provider
A protector of our family
A man who professes his love for me
And our children
It feels so good to know how loved I am
I experience this love through
His words and his actions
Thank YOU for blessing me with a best friend
Someone I can laugh with
Someone I can cry with
When I need a shoulder to lean on,
He is there for me
Thank YOU for his heart O YAH
Though he has been through so much in his life
He has learned to forgive
YOU created in him a clean heart
Thank YOU for blessing me with a man
After Your heart Father YAH
I see his dedication to YOU
I see the joy he has when he speaks of YOU
Your goodness
Your love
Your grace and mercy
Thank YOU for loving him Father
Thank YOU for protecting his
mind, body, and soul
Please continue to keep my husband
Wrapped in Your loving arms O YAH
Protect his eyes
From the wickedness and temptations of this world
Protect his heart
From the hurt that people can bring
Protect his body
From any illnesses and harm O YAH
Cleanse him from any impurities
So he can be blameless when he faces YOU
Thank You Father
For such a wonderful father to our children
Please allow the seeds that he plant
To take root in our children
Flourish and prosper through Your Word
Thank You for provision Father
Thank You for setting my husband apart
Thank You for exposing the enemies
And their wicked agendas
Thank You for avenging my husband
Your Word says,
The Master will fight for you
And you shall hold your peace
Thank You for blessing him with this peace
I love my husband
Thank You for allowing me
To experience the joy of marriage
The joy of having a companion
Help me Father YAH,
To never take my husband for granted
Help me O YAH
To be the loving, patient wife that my husband needs
Help me YAH
To make our home a sanctuary
So my husband feels safe and secure
Forgive me YAH
For hurting my husband
Forgive me YAH
For trusting and confiding in people
When YOU have always been my safe place
Where I never have to worry about
Being judged or slandered
I plead the Blood of Jesus over my husband
Over our marriage
Over our children
Over our home
No enemy can destroy
What YOU, Father YAH
Put together
I pray all these things
In the Mighty Name of JESUS

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2 months ago

Very nice!

The KOYOC Podcast
The KOYOC Podcast
2 months ago

🙏🏿❤️ Praise YAH!

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