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ReBirth Austin - Hebrew Assembly!!!: Abram & the Covenant of Yah

42 Lượt xem • 07/25/20
Đăng lại
Biblical Hebrew Awakening
Biblical Hebrew Awakening
370 Người đăng ký

Shabbat Live: ReBirth Austin Hebrew Assembly!!!

Abram & the Covenant of Yah... This is the latter portion of our two session Shabbat lesson held at the Austin Central Library! Digging directly into the scriptures to outline the covenant of Yah with Abram and his seed for ALL generations.

Lead by Brother Duane Harris, the ReBirth San Antonio Assembly joined with our ReBirth Austin Assembly for fellowship and a lesson on the blessing of Abram, and the stumbling block of Baalam!

Books used...
Jubilees Chapter 12
Numbers/Bəmidbar Chapter 22, 23 and 25
Revelations Chapter 2:14
Josephus: Antiquities of the Hebrews Book 4 Section 6 -10

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