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Ship Proof General Venables Negroe Israelites are Jews banished to Jamaica & West Indies Sephara
Ship Proof General Venables Negroe Israelites are Jews banished to Jamaica & West Indies from Europen and who were not slaves and who knew they were the 12 Tribes of the Children of Jacob/Israel
Jews banished from Europe, and worldwide were black they include the Jews from Portugal, Spain, Britain, etc. Exiles, Expulsions, some were free , some as slaves, indentured servants, some escaping religious persecution
SHIP: Sloane MS 3926 The narrative of General Vnnables with appendix of papers relating to the expedition to the West Indies and the Conquest of Jamaica 1654-1655 pf 145 -147
Whence the Black Irish of Jamaica pg 32, 39-40 . Hebrews were fleeing the Catholic inquisition and religious persecution , asset land confiscation, worldwide for ages.
“Those captives who were not sold there were brought to the market place in Azza [Gaza] which, because of the great multitudes of slaves who were sold there, was called Hadrian’s marketplace. And those who were still not sold there were herded into ships and were taken to Egypt. Many died in transit, whether by starvation or by shipwreck, while many also were killed by cruel masters.”
Munter, Primordia Eccl. Africanae, pp. 85f.,113.
The Bible tells us the Israelites including Judah who are the Jews are black with wooly hair , bushy locks etc! 2 McCabees 6v 1. Answering Garfield Dagger Squad psuedo and pagan Saneter TV atheists, conscious community, white apologetics and their supporters, history liars , Arabs,
See the curses on those who curse and enslave Israelites in the Bible.
Revelation 13:10
Hee that leadeth into captiuitie, shall goe into captiuitie: Hee that killeth with the sword, must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the Saints.
Revelation 18:6
Reward her euen as she rewarded you, and double vnto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled, fill to her double.
@metpoliceuk Chris Atkins video UK.Muslim Mom defends Jewish Family on London subway British
Ship proof from antiquity of Negroes in Americas are Israelites and Jews
Black European royalty Jacobites in Jamaica
Jews and early Christians from Spain Portugal Judea, etc.
Bola (Portuguese donot; indigenous Indian ball game in Americas)
Juan De Bolas in Jamaica , Maroon Warrior 1600s Shephardic Jew
European black swarthy Israelites
Reneto DeCordova Adams
Obadiah 1:20
And the captivity of this host of the children of Israel shall possess that of the Canaanites, even unto Zarephath; and the captivity of Jerusalem, which is in Sepharad, shall possess the cities of the south.
He added: “The State Department is… designating Devon Orlando Bernard, Reneto DeCordova Adams, Patrick Anthony Coke, Shayne St Aubyn Lyons, Leford Gordon, and Roderick Anthony Collier for their involvement in gross violations in human rights in Jamaica.”
Black Jews and Christians who were not Catholics of Granada SPAIN, went to GRENADA (Pomegranate)
On January 2, 1492, the Catholic Monarchs conquered the Nasrid Kingdom of Granada. The last Muslim king, Muhammad XII of Granada (Spanish: Boabdil), withdrew to Alpujarras, as almost 800 years of Muslim rule were ended by the Reconquista.
The Black Irish of the Caribbean and West Indies
Sephardic Jews from Spain Portugal Europe banished to the isles all over , Africa, etc by Kurimeo
Jah Love is Beautiful
The Shemites reliefs show black people
Whaling , shipping Black Jews from Portugal Spain Azores, North Africa, etc in the Americas
TEOW Black Jews of Spain and Portugal in the Americas, etc
The movie The Perfect Storm, ship fishing vessel Andrea Gail, Gloucester Massachussets; movie on the ship the only black man was a Jamaican
Moore Town Maroons Scot's Hall, Windward Maroons, Leeward Maroons, Cockpit country, Charles Town Marooons, Holy Warrior Maroons of the Blue and John Crow Mountains, etc
Independent Indigenous Israelite Tribal Nations, Maroon Kings, Queens, Chiefs, Chieftesses, Hebrews, Hebrewesses, Empresses, Prophets, Prophetesses, Colonel, Captains, Priests, Elders, Healers, Theocracy still rule to this day, the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof
Spanish Black Jews of Jamaica
Iewes of Sepharad Shepardic
Genesis 49ers
Manuelian Ordinance Book 5 Title 112, Manueline Ordinations
Portugal King Emanuel law to enslave Black Jews, fr West Africa, 1518 Bernard M Gomez
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