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Understanding the Hebrew Calendar
• 03/24/25
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10 hours ago
Shalom my brother, i hope you help me understand one thing... in Genesis chapter 1:1 it says that HE created in the following order
1} Heavens and the earth
2) then it is mentioned that in the heavens there were water (the firmament called heaven was only water)
From there we continue reading that the earth was without form and void, and DARKNES WAS UPON THE FACE OF THE DEEP... Was the earth like a bubble of water ? i am asking because, HE never touches the heavens and focuses on the shaping and forming of the earth. From the earth that was called the face of the deep (WATERS) and YAS's Spirit moves upon the face of the deep (WATERS-EARTH).
You have said in 02;37 mnts that HE starts to work once ligh appear... is that correct??
isnt YAH's creation started with the darkness??? and then HE creates light??