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Who was Steve Cokely 6/17/52 - 4/11/12
• 11/04/20
Brother T
78 Subscribers
This a short clip from a CNN interview in 1988.
Mr. Cokely was an American political researcher and lecturer who lectured nationally on political and economic issues relating especially to the "African American community". For more see link below
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4 years ago
wow!!! I learn something every day. Thanks for posting Brother T
4 years ago
When one can clearly see the when Mr.Clokely suggested going back in time to conduct a study of the relationship between "blacks & Jews"caused a look terror, on the face of the then Jewish Defense League spokesman the late and not so great Irv Rubin
Irving David Rubin (April 12, 1945 – November 13, 2002) was a Canadian-born American political and religious activist who served as chairman of the Jewish Defense League (JDL) from 1985 to 2002.
He committed suicide in jail when awaiting trial on charges of conspiracy to bomb private and government property.