Imate li 18 ili više godina?
The command, “Come out of her my people” in Revelation 18:4 is a warning. The Most High is telling His people to escape the judgment that is to come upon Babylon. Babylon is represented by a false religious system that has deceived the world. To come out of her means that there must be a separation. The children of the Most High must disconnect from her. Babylon worships a god, but not the true God. He wants His people to come out of Babylon now! Will you heed the warning?#ComeoutofBabylonnow
Fallen Angels Blood #3 | Secret Societies of the Mystery People – We are talking about the mystery people and the secret societies of those with fallen angels blood. Let's examine the secret societies of the mystery people and their connections with the Roman Catholic Church and Christianity. #secretsocieties #fallenangelsblood