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The Raising Up of the Nation of Israel
The Raising Up of the Nation of Israel Huldah 11 Views • 5 months ago

⁣The raising up of the nation of Israel will be an extraordinary event that will shock the world and bring glory to the Most High. The dry bones will live again.

In this session, we will take another look at the vision of the dry bones in Ezekiel 37. The Most High told the prophet that the bones in the valley represented the whole house of Israel. This vision symbolizes the raising to life of the nation of Israel, not all nations. It seemed like all hope was lost for the scattered dry bones. This is evident because the bones said, our bones are dried up, and our hope is lost; we are indeed cut off. But this vision was symbolic of the nation’s resurrection and eventual return from captivity.

Time for the Nations to Reap 16
Time for the Nations to Reap 16 Huldah 5 Views • 9 months ago

All men are created equal. These inspiring ideals of freedom and equality are conveyed in the Declaration of Independence. The statement inspired generations of Americans to strive for their inalienable rights, which is the right to be free. The nation was fighting for freedom—just not for everyone. In this 16th session of the series, Time for the Nations to Reap, we will talk about why slavery in America was worse than all other countries.
#slavery #slavetrade

Time for the Nations to Reap 10
Time for the Nations to Reap 10 Huldah 12 Views • 10 months ago

⁣The British played a significant part in the Atlantic slave trade. The slave trade transformed the British economy. However, when asked about its role in human trafficking, the Brits like to play down their role in slavery and seek recognition for stopping it. But did the British Empire really abolish slavery after building their empire on the profits from the obscene trade? In this 10th session of the series, Time for the Nations to Reap, we will look at Britain and its connection to the European Slave trade

Time for the Nations to Reap 11
Time for the Nations to Reap 11 Huldah 20 Views • 10 months ago

⁣The rejection of France in its former colonies in Africa is growing. For over two hundred years, they relied on enslaved laborers to produce colonial commodities and increase their wealth. After Portugal and Great Britain, France was the third most active power involved in the transatlantic Slave Trade. In this 11th session of the series, Time for the Nations to Reap, we will examine the French connection to slavery.

Time for the Nations to Reap 7
Time for the Nations to Reap 7 Huldah 30 Views • 11 months ago

⁣Portugal played a significant role in the transatlantic slave trade from the 15th to the 19th century. The Portuguese forcibly transported over 6 million people from the continent of Africa across the Atlantic and sold them into slavery. But who gave Portugal the authority to dominate in Africa?

Time for the Nations to Reap 3
Time for the Nations to Reap 3 Huldah 16 Views • 11 months ago

⁣Although most people think of slavery as a matter of racial oppression, sources say that between 1500 and 1800, human bondage was often based on religion rather than on race. In fact, Muslim Arabs profited from the slave trade centuries before Europeans explored the continent of Africa and long before so-called West Africans were sold across the Atlantic to America. In this 3rd session of the series, time for the nations to reap; it is time for us to talk about the slave drivers involved in the trafficking of the chosen people.

Time for the Nations to Reap 2
Time for the Nations to Reap 2 Huldah 108 Views • 12 months ago

⁣lavery has existed, in one form or another, throughout human history. Its victims have come from many different ethnicities and religious groups. However, nations that held the children of Israel captive often faced significant consequences. Despite that, a confederacy of nations came against the chosen people to cut them off from being a nation. In this second session of the series, Time for the Nations to Reap, we will look at those nations and their relationship to the children of Israel.

Time for the Nations to Reap 1
Time for the Nations to Reap 1 Huldah 62 Views • 12 months ago

⁣The sale of enslaved people can be traced back to antiquity. So many would say that slavery is nothing new. But nations that held the children of Israel captive often faced significant consequences, so enslaving the chosen people was not to be taken lightly. Has that changed? According to Joel 3, no, it has not. It is now time for the Nations involved in Israel’s final captivity to reap what they have sown and prepare for their own captivity.

Examples of the Supernatural in Scripture 4
Examples of the Supernatural in Scripture 4 Huldah 116 Views • 1 year ago

⁣Because the supernatural realm is so mysterious, it has caused many to fear the unseen realm. There are many examples of the supernatural in Scripture. So, we cannot ignore the fact that unexplainable things did happen. However, understanding why the ancient Israelites were given superhuman abilities will help us to be better equipped to stand in these last days.

Rebels Forced to Bow
Rebels Forced to Bow Huldah 167 Views • 1 year ago

⁣People who deny that YAH exists give several reasons for their unbelief. How else can you explain how the universe got started? Yet, some refuse to believe in the Creator, despite the evidence. Honoring the Self-existing One should be a logical choice for man, But the time will come when even the rebels will be forced to bow.

Purpose for the Journey 3
Purpose for the Journey 3 Huldah 89 Views • 1 year ago

⁣What's in Your Story, Israel? As descendants of the ancient Israelites, we represent a historical record of spiritual and physical hardship. What we endured is not in vain, but we must know our history to understand the purpose for the journey. The Most High enabled us to survive what was meant for our destruction, and He has given us a testimony that will help us obtain victory over the enemy. There’s value in our story.

Our True Memorial Day
Our True Memorial Day Huldah 113 Views • 1 year ago

⁣According to the Congressional Research Service, Memorial Day is supposed to reflect and remember those who died while serving in the U.S. military. However, that is not the whole story. The truth about the day has been whitewashed to make it more palatable to those who cannot handle the truth about this nation’s history. There is a day even more important for the descendants of the ancient Israelites. Our actual Memorial Day is recorded in scripture, and we were told not to forget it.

Understanding the Days of Judgment 6
Understanding the Days of Judgment 6 Huldah 135 Views • 1 year ago

⁣Is there a divine purpose for Israel in the final day judgments? Many would say no because they believe that the church has replaced the chosen people. However, understanding the days of
judgment is crucial because there are many similarities between the plagues of Egypt and the plagues recorded in the book of revelation. It’s as though we’re being reminded of the events of the exodus as we study the prophecies concerning things to come.

Understanding the Days of Judgment 5
Understanding the Days of Judgment 5 Huldah 69 Views • 1 year ago

⁣Understanding the days of judgment is imperative as we observe the unfolding of last-day events. We need to discern the difference because far too many Christians believe that Scripture only references a period of tribulation and judgment that will bring about the end of the world. However, other prophecies concerning judgment will occur before the creation of the new heaven and earth. Messiah told us that before it all ends, life on earth would be as it was in the days of Noah. So, it is essential to know what things were like in Noah’s day.
#DaysofNoah #Daysofjudgment

Understanding the Days of Judgment 4
Understanding the Days of Judgment 4 Huldah 27 Views • 1 year ago

⁣A common question Christians ask when they hear about the judgment is, What about the rapture? In this 4th session of the series, Understanding the Days of Judgment, we will address the rapture doctrine to see if Scripture supports this belief.

Understanding the Days of Judgment 3
Understanding the Days of Judgment 3 Huldah 34 Views • 1 year ago

⁣We need to understand the days of judgment and end-time signs on Earth. Matthew 24:11 tells us that many false prophets will rise and deceive many in the last days. The enemy is also aware of these prophetic words, so we should expect him to use his available resources to deceive the masses. As a result, we need to prepare to stand against the coming deception.

Understanding the Days of Judgment 2
Understanding the Days of Judgment 2 Huldah 26 Views • 1 year ago

⁣Understanding the days of judgment is imperative as we look to the heavens in confident anticipation of our deliverance from the oppression of the wicked. Throughout Scripture, we find many references of the Most High bringing judgment on the inhabitants of world. Now we see end time signs happening on earth and we will see it happening in the heavens. As a result, we will need to guard our hearts and minds against deceptive signs.

Understanding the Days of Judgment 1
Understanding the Days of Judgment 1 Huldah 19 Views • 1 year ago

⁣The “Day of Judgment” – many refer to it as a future event promised in Scripture where the Most High will bring about final justice and condemnation to sinners. However, there are several judgments mentioned in the Scripture. Understanding the days of judgment is imperative as we look to the heavens in confident anticipation of our deliverance from the oppression of the wicked.

Oracles Given to One People 3
Oracles Given to One People 3 Huldah 24 Views • 1 year ago

⁣The Most High spoke to and through many people throughout Scripture. He spoke through prophets, judges and kings, and there were times when He chose to speak through those we would call ordinary people. However, the evidence is clear that His oracles were given to one people – Israel. They are the only chosen messengers called to teach the divine oracles and lead the chosen people.

Oracles Given to One People 1
Oracles Given to One People 1 Huldah 34 Views • 1 year ago

⁣The Most High made it clear in the Scriptures that His sacred writings belong to one group of people who would be his witnesses on the earth. Gentile nations did not have the same access to His laws, statutes, and commandments. The oracles were given to one people – Israel. So, why did the Most High not speak to Gentiles as He spoke to His chosen people?

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