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Addiction held her captive, but then everything changed… click on the link below to listen to the full testimony and see how the power of the Most High Yah moved in this sister's life.
Full Video here - https://hebrewconnect.tv/v/5xfzOs
You can also find me on YouTube—@Amanah BaYah—should you want to watch this video and many others. Please support me by subscribing to be notified when I post other testimonies and witnesses of our Almighty YAH's righteous acts upon many lives.

Story Left Out of History Books!!! #unity #strength #love #blacklove? #commandmentkeepers #sabbathkeepers #chosenpeople?? #norwoodstudios #hollywoodstudios #afroactionshero #panafrican #faith #willandway #trust #hebrews

Psalms 68:4
#scripturemeditation #psalms68four #singhispraises