We regret to inform you that on March 11th, 2025, our Data Center, which hosts our platform, was involved in a suspicious Cyber Attack. We are currently working to restore user content and rebuild our database. We have been able to restore resources up to March 2nd, 2025. Please keep us in prayer as we seek to restore service and user resources.
Celana pendek Membuat

A step by step guide to creating a direct/native HCTV account and editing your profile to include changing your avatar image and background cover image.
If you have any questions or need support, don't be afraid to contact us via support@hebrewconnect.tv or use our site/app contact us form.
Shalom and many blessings to the scatterd house of Israel and all who call upon the name of The Most High Yah!
May TMH bless you, and our King Yahusha Ha'Mashiach preserve you! Amen.