Shalom Fam... tonight we are installing our new long awaited Livestream System. Please note that during this time some uploads may be affected. We will do our best to minimize disruption.
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Satan wants you to believe that our forefather Adam was created in the image of God. He planned for the masses to believe this lie because he knows that Salvation is by Belief (Faith) and belief in the truth so he feeds the world lies because he's a murderer. Moses wrote about Yahushuah and Genesis 1:26-27 talks about him being the first man—think in terms of Last Adam—created in the image of God and then us (male and female) created after him. Our forefather Adam—think in terms of first Adam—was formed from the dust of the ground. Formed and created mean entirely two different things when you think about it.

Replying to @hakanakii Hope this help disclaimer: am not the owner of this content #tiktoknigeria #tiktokcanada?? #tiktokindia #tiltokusa #tiktok #flatearthers #flatearthproof #flatearth #flatearthusa #firmament