Shalom, we are almost done restoring and reconnecting all user video content that was affected in the March 11th outage. We thank all of you that have prayed for us and given financially to assist us in restoring access and content. Todah Rabah!
2nd Amendment under attack US laws Constitution Bible laws Yah given Rights Fight back now
We the people of Jehovah who believe the laws of the Bible vs the Luciferase Satanists
2nd Amendent right to bear arms in USA is under attack by the Liberals and the US Constitution
Luke 22:36
Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.
Revelation 13:10
He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.
Draconian police state lockdowb measures in Australia and worldwide
Communist Socialists Liberals plan Property Business siezure planned , loss of Jobs , movement in.California and worldwide
Crash countries with whatever means necessary and then claim or buy it
Amazon wants to buy Cyprus
PROTOCOL No. 8 1. We must arm ourselves with all the weapons which our opponents might employ against us. We must search out in the very finest shades of expression and the knotty points of the lexicon of law justification for those cases where we shall have to pronounce judgments that might appear abnormally audacious and unjust, for it is important that these resolutions should be set forth in expressions that shall seem to be the most exalted moral principles cast into legal form. Our directorate must surround itself with all these forces of civilization among which it will have to work. It will surround itself with publicists, practical jurists, administrators, diplomats and, finally, with persons prepared by a special super-educational training IN OUR SPECIAL SCHOOLS. These persons will have consonance of all the secrets of the social structure, they will know all the languages that can be made up by political alphabets and words; they will be made acquainted with the whole under side of human nature, with all its sensitive chords on which they will have to play. These chords are the cast of mind of the GOYIM, their tendencies, short-comings, vices and qualities, the particularities of classes and conditions. Needless to say that the talented assistants of authority, of whom I speak, will be taken not from among the GOYIM, who are accustomed to perform their administrative work without giving themselves the trouble to think what its aim is, and never consider what it is needed for.The administrators of the GOYIM sign papers without reading them, and they serve either for mercenary reasons or from ambition. 2. We shall surround our government with a whole world of economists. That is the reason why economic sciences form the principal subject of the teaching given to the Jews. Around us again will be a whole constellation of bankers, industrialists, capitalists and - THE MAIN THING -MILLIONAIRES, BECAUSE IN SUBSTANCE EVERYTHING WILL BE SETTLED BY THE QUESTION
OF FIGURES. 3. For a time, until there will no longer be any risk in entrusting responsible posts in our State to our brother-Jews, we shall put them in the hands of persons whose past and reputation are such that between them and the people lies an abyss, persons who, in case of disobedience to our instructions,must face criminal charges or disappear - this in order to make them defend our interests to their last gasp.
PROTOCOL No. 9 1. In applying our principles let attention be paid to the character of the people in whose country youlive and act; a general, identical application of them, until such time as the people shall have been re-educated to our pattern, cannot have success. But by approaching their application cautiously you willsee that not a decade will pass before the most stubborn character will change and we shall add a newpeople to the ranks of those already subdued by us. 2. The words of the liberal, which are in effect the words of our masonic watchword, namely,"Liberty, Equality, Fraternity," will, when we come into our kingdom, be changed by us into words nolonger of a watchword, but only an expression of idealism, namely, into "The right of liberty, the dutyof equality, the ideal of brotherhood." That is how we shall put it, - and so we shall catch the bull by thehorns ... DE FACTO we have already wiped out every kind of rule except our own, although DE JUREthere still remain a good many of them.
Lesbian AG wants due process retaliation as in the days of Sodom
AShkenazim, etc, ARM THEIR CITIZENS GAZA WAR . OCT. 7. 2023. AD
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