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ADIRA's Passover Series - Abraham Ep 1 #biblestoriesforkids #storytelling #kidschannel

36 Views • 12/18/24
Torah Trained Kids
Torah Trained Kids
34 Subscribers

Shalom Torah Trained Kids! 🌟 Welcome to Adira's very first video about Passover - Episode 1: The Story of Abraham!
🎥 Get ready for an awesome adventure back in time as we explore the amazing true story of our ancestor, Abraham.
🏰 Join us as we discover how Abraham trusted YAH and embarked on a journey full of faith and courage. 💪
It's going to be so much fun! 🎉 Don't miss out on this exciting journey through history.
Press play and let's dive into the Biblical history of Passover together. 🌈 #Passover #Abraham #BibleStories #KidsVideos #Faith #blackisraelitekids #blackIsraeliteHeritage #Shalom ✨"

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