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Arabs Muslims Cabba Nabateans and idolatry the idols of Arabia; Israelites Negroes repent of sin
Where do the Arab and Ishmaelite Edomite Nabatean Idumean idols in the Cabba in Arabia come from , why do they worship Abd,Allah, Mahomet's father, and why they fulfill Habakkuk 2-3, Psalm 83, Psalm 1, Psalm 2, Psalm 109, Obadiah, Psalm 53, Revelation 1-19, get the plagues in the book, those who add and remove from the scriptures in the Bible get the plagues.
Where does worship of Allah Cabba Mahomet Muhammad Mohamed Muslims Mecca Medina come from?
The Nabatean makers and keepers of the idols of the Caaba
Abd Alah is Mohammed father
Slave or servant of Alah it translates to
Muslims worship Mohammed, his father AbdAlah and the idols kept in the Caaba
Mohammed meditated in a cave for Hera a Greek idol goddess
Notice the Muslim paradise is full of sex with virgin see through women nymphs
The black stone in the Cabba looks like a vagina
Ancestor man-made worship:
Quran . Qoresh Tribe
Mohammed is a white man
The prophets of the Bible are Black
Mohammed genealogy
Bastards are defined as mixed bloodline and other types of marriages not lawful according to the Torah.
Mixed bloodlines such as King Herod his relation to the Nabateans . Herod was half Idumean and half Nabatean (Arab) .Herod who killed the Israelite boy babies under 2 years trying to kill Jesus Christ. Mixed Arabs from line of Esau and Ishmael. Esau married into Ishmael's bloodline. Koreish Quriesh tribe of Mohammed is Nabatean where the idols of the Cabba are kept. Allah is one of the idols that existed before Mohammad. Mosques , on Temple Mount, Synagogues of Satan to other idols fulfill prophesy of abomination of desolation in the holy place ; Romans were idolaters also Titus Vespacian standards (flags) with images, idols, pigs and unholy worst of the heathen people in Jerusalem 70AD prophesy fulfillment. Rev 2 v9 Rev 3v9 Rev 13 Joel they parted my land, prophesy against Ishmael and Edom, bastards and idolaters; A bastard shall dwell in Ashdod prophesy fulfilling
The Book of Idols by Al
Mohammed the white prophet with black slaves by D Wood
Mohammed was also the servant of a Christian woman named Khadijah who was his boss. All Mohammed children came from his 2 Christian wives and all his sons died to cut off his posterity
Sudan mixed breed Arabs still call blacks slaves
Islam is slavery for blacks
Things and idols to remove from your homes, schools, lives, churches
Muslims lie Abraham did not travel to Mecca or built idol there Abraham hated idols and served Jehovah . Muslims kissing black stone in Cabba that looks like woman vagina
Saudi Arabia tactics for grand development
Dubai's islands built upon sand still sit empty
Arabian sorcery , magic, idolatry , beads, amulets, skull caps, clothes, rings, superstition practiced to this day
The Is lamic call to pray to Muslim idols spreading worldwide must end in Jesus Christ of Nazareth name
100 percent proof Mohammed is the god of Islam false prophesy
How to answer liberals, AntiChrists, Satanists, idolaters, Rastafarians, Jehovah's Witnesses, Unbelievers, Sceptics, Ashkenazis, atheists, animists, sorcerers, Islam, Muslims, Arabs, Torah Only Hebrew Israelites, Hebrew camps blaspheming Mary's virgin birth and Jesus Christ of Nazareth, where in scripture does it say to worship Jesus Christ of Nazareth as God?
A J Hoover has a point when he contends:
“Moses didn't claim to be Yahweh; Socrates didn't claim to be Zeus; Zoroaster didn't claim to be Ahura Mazda; Mohammed didn't claim to be Allah; Buddha didn't claim to be Brahma. Only Christ claimed to be one with the God who sent him (John 10:30). Familiarity has dulled our ears to the wonder of his claims.” ( The Case for Christian Theism, 1980, 169)Jesus was no mere guide to truth or to God. No, he claimed to be much more than that and ties himself to his teaching and claims
.The authors of that primary school workbook need to wheel and come again! Clinton Chisholm is a retired Jamaica Baptist Union pastor and former academic dean of the Caribbean Graduate School of Theology. Send comments to the Jamaica Observer or
Joe Biden wants schools to teach Islamic lies and idolatry
Black Muslim Jacob Blake's father recite idol words from Quran for his son
Afghan bacha boys Muslim harems
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