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Dancing with Grace Instrumental (Strings and Flute)

4 Views • 02/10/25
3 Subscribers

⁣Dancing with Grace ... I'm not a professional musician but I tinker around the keyboard and here I'm playing the strings and flute voices on my keyboard. I made this video for times you may want to reflect and meditate on those key scriptures that talk about the blessing we have in grace and our dance with our Saviour. These scriptures add support to the idea of dancing with grace. What does that mean exactly for me or you? It will look different for each person. What is that special something extended to us by God in grace? Isn't it mercy. Yet it's so much more. Wouldn't you say Grace is a person in the person of Jesus Christ (Yahshua Ha Machiah) who represents our Abba Father. Be blessed and I hope you enjoy the video.

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