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Discovery Doctrine l The Wicked Act Sanctioned by the Church

56 Views • 02/17/21
204 Subscribers

A Roman Catholic Doctrine Led to the Founding of America and Slavery. We are exposing this doctrine of demons called, the doctrine of discovery. This Roman Catholic Doctrine led to the founding of America and slavery. This doctrine was used under the false pretense of winning the world for Christ. It allowed many European nations to create wealth through death and exploitation. Does this sound like something Christ would have endorsed? Can we find any Scriptural reference for winning the world for Christ this way? The doctrine of discovery or manifest destiny is a false doctrine created by the Roman Catholic Church that is a clear example of covetousness, pride and greed. It is the same wickedness that the prophet Jeremiah spoke out against during his day. European descendants benefit from a violent history of land grabbing and genocide that was justified by patriotism and religion. The justification used was this secret doctrine that we all need to do our part to expose.
#Discoverydoctrine #Manifestdestiny

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