Shalom Fam, we have completed the upgrade of our email system to ensure higher deliverability of messages. All Praise to The Most High Yah! Please allow us time to reply to any backlog of previous messages sent. We sincerely thank you for your patience!
HebrewConnectTV Livestream July 11th
Our weekly online Sabbath Fellowship for our West Coast and Pacific Northwest Assemblies with Moreh Duane Harris!
These online Sabbath Fellowships serve specifically our ReBirth Seattle/Tacoma Assembly, ReBirth Portland Assembly, and our ReBirth Phoenix/Mesa Arizona Assembly! It is also open to anyone that follows our Biblical Hebrew Awakening online Ministry.
Today The Most High Wanted to deal with an issue among our people, and would not let up!!!! I wasn't even ready for what went down!
-Duane Harris (Moreh)
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