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46 Views • 12/26/20

Shalom my beautiful Black/African/Hebrew Israelite brothers and sisters. Sons and daughters of THE MOST HIGH, YHWH, joint-heirs with JESUS/YESHUA, HIS son, our LORD, SAVIOR and KING. A REMINDER: THE MOST HIGH informed me to start a fasting and prayer chain. Hebrews, we are living in perilous times. Times that have never been and times that never to come (Luke 21:36 and 2 Timothy 3:1-13). Praying time: EVERYDAY, 6am, noon-1pm, 6pm-7pm, 12 midnight-3am( you can choose whichever time slot you want to pray or you can pray within all the time slot for even 20 minutes each time) SET YOUR ALARM!!! IT'S VERY IMPORTANT!!! The vaccine is to turn us into something other than human. That way we will be subjected into slavery again, this time through DNA/Blood. That's what THE LORD revealed to me.Fasting time: EVERY month, starting December 15, 2020 ( I know that day have passed, but I'm repeating exactly what THE MOST HIGH told me). Although some of you missed that date you can catch up and start next month moving forward. Fasting will be 1-3 days every month. You choose the day(s) you want to fast there's no particular set day(s). During the day(s) of your fasting THE LORD told me to tell you to read PSALM 91:1-2, ISAIAH 26: 20 Matthew 6:6-7To The True Real Hebrews: THE LORD BLESS YOU AND KEEP YOU; THE LORD MAKE HIS FACE TO SHINE UPON YOU; AND GIVE YOU PEACE; AND BE GRACIOUS UNTO YOU ALL THE DAYS OF YOUR LIVES...AS LONG AS YOU LIVE...IN JESUS/YESHUA NAME...AMEENI LOVE YOU ALL-Sharyah

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University of YHWH: The TRUTH Has NO Friends

Hebrew Israelites, as we end this year, 2020 (according to the Romans' calendar) let us end it in THE SPIRIT of fasting and prayer(s). Let us start and continue into 2021(again, according to the Romans' calendar) likewise in THE SPIRIT of fasting and prayer(s). Let Ephesians 5:15-17 be your motto, along with fasting and praying giving thanks always to THE ALMIGHTY, YAH our GOD and leaning on JESUS/YESHUA, our hope for Eternal Salvation. Let us walk in THE SPIRIT and not in the flesh: keeping all of YAH'S Commandments, Laws, Concepts, Precepts, Ordinances, Statutes and Righteousness.

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