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Back 2 The Basics EP. 2 | Day 1-3 of Creation | Sabbath Education | Kingdom of YAH Over Culture Kids

7 Views • 02/09/25
The KOYOC Podcast
The KOYOC Podcast
48 Subscribers

Are you tired of scrolling your youtube feed, looking for clean, set apart content for your children? It is always a challenge to find good wholesome videos to play for your children, while you rest on Shabbat. You can find yourself constantly trying to curate videos all day. This is the video you didn’t know you needed to watch. This video is a special presentation for the whole family to gather and enjoy watching!

Following up with the release of our first episode of Back to the Basics, in this video, we present 9 diverse segments centered around the theme of “Joy”. Back 2 the Basics is exciting, educational, and packed with original music sure to captivate and engage the whole family while covering a range of biblical topics, including the Fruit of the Spirit, the story of Old Man Noah, the colors of the rainbow, and more!

The goal is to present the unblemished gospel of Jesus Christ in such a simple way, while keeping your little ones engaged mentally and spiritually. We absolutely enjoy making fun and educational content for our Kingdom of YAH Over Culture Kids Ministry, and we hope that this video finds its way into your rotation for your “Essential Bible Study” playlist.

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Another great and blessed video! Todah!! Many blessings. Shalom.

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