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How To Make Gerson Citrus Juice Orange Grapefruit Lemon

49 Views • 12/19/20
Into All Truth Live Light Well

Gerson Citrus Juice

Juicing Citrus: The Flavonoids in citrus may halt cancer cell growth and slow down tutor progression. They may also reduce plaque formation in your arteries and improve blood circulation.

Vitamin C can help in increasing absorption of non-haem iron.

Drinking orange juice and consuming citrus fruits can help in preventing kidney stone disease by help alkalise the urinary tract to prevent urinary tract infections.

One 8 ounce serving

1 Grapefruit
2 Oranges
1 lemon (optional)
add more if necessary.


****No need to add potassium or iodine if you are healthy. Consult a ND or MD, or Gerson Practitioner familiar with the Gerson diet Iodine is generally harmless at 2 drops a day.
2 drops Lugol’s Idone
1 spoon Diluted Gerson’s Potassium Compound (Can be obtained from any compounder if you provide them with Gerson’s recipie, found via It is potassium acetate, potassium gluconate and potassium monophosphate. Potassium Compound Salts
This solution is made from 33 mg each of potassium acetate, monophosphate and gluconate (100 g bottle of powder) diluted in 32 oz. of distilled water. Typical dosage may vary from 1-4 teaspoons 10 times a day of the prepared solution, representing 1.5 to 6 grams of potassium per day. This medication is added in equal amounts to each of the carrot-apple, green and orange juices (but not the pure carrot juice) daily, typically 1 to 4 teaspoons per juice. This is for people with cancer and serious autoimmune illnesses. Not for the ordinary juicing person.

1 Juice reemer.
1 Sieve if desired.

The fruit consists of a stem at the top and blossom side at the bottom. Slice the fruit along the equator of the fruit. Expose the fruit sacs and pegs of the citrus fruit like a flower, so they can yield the juice more readily. Slice citrus fruit into two hemispheres (*not from stem to bottom) to expose the vesicles.

Remove any exposed seeds.

Drive the reemer into the vesicles at the flower of the fruit. Juice lemons, oranges and grapefruit or any combination there of until you get 8 ounces. Spoon out any additional seeds, or pour through a sieve into your drinking glass. But it is ideal to have the pulp should stay in to help get the gut moving.

Ideal for body and cellular detoxification used in concert with coffee enemas. This is the ideal way to start your day. And the citrus oils, and flavour, aroma is a beautiful and stimulating way to wake up.

Drink and enjoy!

Eat Well, Eat Life


Gerson; citrus juice; orange; lemon; grapefruit juice; how to slice citrus fruit; how to slice a lemon; how to slice a grapefruit; best way to juice; reemer; live light well;; juicing; lugal’s iodine; potassium compound; how to juice for health. hallelujah diet

Visit to learn about Lugal’s dosage and iodine type and dosage.


This video is for informational purposes only and does not claim to cure anything or provide medical advice. The creator/s are neither doctors, nor medical practitioners and are not practicing medicine nor offering cures. Nothing on this site should be construed as or considered to be medical advice It is a mere collection health educational information.

How To Slice Lemon Citrus Fruit - Orange Grapefruit, Lime

How To Make Gerson Citrus Juice - Orange Grapefruit, Lemon

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