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I chose peace (shalom)
• 03/30/23
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2 years ago
Praise YAHUAH!!! Keep choosing Peace and Shalom and spending more time with Yahusha Ha'Mashiahk. I do the same thing and it's so worth it for your soul and spirit's sake. I am definitely the only one of my family in this walk of faith and repentance. Keep working out your own salvation with fear and trembling, Achoti. Shalom.
2 years ago
2 years ago
Yes Achoti! I am proud of you as well! Praise Yah for the leading of The Ruach Haqodesh. There is nothing more precious than His Shalom. awesome job in making a stand when it is difficult! Being set apart can be lonely at times. There are some, who He has set apart for Higher Standards. It doesn't mean that one is better than the other, you cannot help if Yah has chosen you to a higher standard, and many will not know how to accept that, if they accept it at all!! But to be honest, we are ALL called to that higher standard, but there are only a few who are willing to step into that role and say "Yes Daddy send me!" Be encourage and continue to be set-apart for His glory! I love you my sister, APTTMHYAH
2 years ago
2 years ago
Appreciate your beautiful and encouraging . Thank you
2 years ago