Set Apart Not Aside
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Orchids New Series | The Healed Place - Becoming Whole in Yah, Healing The Hebraic Sisterhood
1 Thessalonians 5:23
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What It Truly Means to Be Called A Servant of Yah | Torah Based Perfection
Worship Song leading Into Message: "I will be with you if you would only trust Me". -Richard Smallwood
-Abraham: Genesis 22:1-19, Genesis 17:1-7
- Moses: Exodus 3, Perfection Numbers 30:1-13
- Noach: Genesis 6:13-22
- Jeremiah Book of Jeremiah All 52 Chapters
- Dawid 1 Samuel 19
All Praises To Abba Yahuah!
#hebrew #hebrewisraelite #torah #yahsdaughter #tribeofjudah #daughtersofzion

On Perfection | Matt 5:48 | Mel Tolbert
Matthew 5:48, HalleluYah Scriptures
This message covers what perfection in Yahuah is and how to achieve perfection and be circumspect in Yahuah.
#messianichebrew #qodeshim #qodesh #setapart #yahuah #praiseyah #perfect #perfection #consecration #circumspect #youcanbeperfect #hebrew #thehebrewawakening

Ruach (Spirit) & Truth | Not Everyone in The Truth Is Awakened (Ruach)
Abba Yahuah is Ruach (Spirit) and those who worship Him must worship Him in Ruach AND Truth (John 4:24). The Hebraic awakening is through the Ruach of Yah (Ezekial 37). In order to Halakah, walk out the lifestyle Yahuah has called His daughters and sons to live, and to even fulfill Torah circumspectly, we need the Ruach (Spirit) of Yah, His guidance and leading.
Scripture Reference(s): Ezekial 37; John 4:24; John 1-21 (the entire book)
#hebrew #spiritandtruth #humility #israelites #hebrewisraelite #yasharel #thetruth #theawakening #daughtersofzion #tribeofjudah #ruachandtruth #ezekial37 #drybones #hebrewawakening #hebrewstonegroes #love #renewedmind #shabbat #spiritandtruth

The Significance and Importance of Keeping Pesach
Scriptures: Exodus Chapters 13 and 14
#passover #hebrew #passover2023 #torah #yahstruth #humility #thetruth #hebrewisraelite #israelites #theawakening #yahusha #yah #daughtersofzion #tribeofjudah #spiritandtruth #hebrewwomen #shem #commandments #feastdays #feastdays2023

***Lessons from Dawid's Life***
Prayer, time for repentance and forgiveness, then worship and delicious meal take place prior to the start of each recording/lesson.
1 Sam. 18:7-9
1 Sam. 19:10-11
1 Sam. 21-27
-Dawids Prayer for deliverance Psalm 17
-Dawid's Deliverance Psalms 18
-Dawid's prayer against those who strove against him Psalm 35
-Times Dawid was called servant

The Persecution of the Qodeshim ***Information Covered***
-Make sure that you are aligned to Yahs will.
-What is the purpose of persecution?-Learning to Trust Yah, building long suffering and endurance, intimacy with Yah
-Yah help me to see You in this? What should I be learning? What areas of my life is this meant to strengthen.
-How to do the assignment well.*don't complain, seek Yah throughout the day in prayer, prayer partners and accountability, read the scriptures to see how our forefathers overcame (Phillipians 2:12-14)
-How to not getting consumed by the fire-The answered prayer: delivery from persecution
**Scriptures**Matthew 5:10-1210
Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 11 Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12 Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
Job 23:10 But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold.
Jasher 12:26