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Is the RUACH Ha CHODESH (Holy Spirit) Wisdom? Attributes Wisdom Shares With Yah & Yashua
WISDOM went to dwell among the Angels of Heaven because she was rejected by men. She does not dwell on the throne. Yet, she shares the attributes of Yah like, Omnipresence, Omnipotence, Omniscience. Rü'·akh is a feminine noun Root Word (Etymology) From רִיחַ (H7306). Please review my study to look a little deeper. Of course, kō'·desh means set apart. 1. Wisdom found no place where she might dwell;
Then a dwelling-place was assigned her in the heavens.
2 Wisdom went forth to make her dwelling among the children of men, And found no dwelling-place:
Wisdom returned to her place, And took her seat among the angels.
I did not even include this last video I did, I just did a quick search. I will look at the spirit of Wisdom in Wisdom of Solomon, which is part of the Apocrypha, removed from the bible. only 200 years ago. Let's see what Wisdom has in common with the Holy Spirit, Yah and Yashua to find out!
I would never blaspheme the Holy Spirit by making the rü'·akh earthly. SOPHIA is the FALSE HOLY SPIRIT of the Essenes and references Isis and Ashtoreth.
I have taught something on this. SOPHIA is the Holy Spirit of the Essenes and references Isis and Ashtoreth. I have not yet said the Holy Spirit is Female or the Earthly Mother. I am very clear that the Holy Spirit is not Sophia. We must avoid, AVOID AVOID any associations with the earthly or goddess worship which I emphasize in my video over and over. And yes we must beware of vein philosphies and unending books!
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