Shalom, we are almost done restoring and reconnecting all user video content that was affected in the March 11th outage. We thank all of you that have prayed for us and given financially to assist us in restoring access and content. Todah Rabah!
LIMITLESS POWER!!! This could be the world's New industrial revolution!
The Fuel-free products are out! 1000's already bought. Limitless energy source. This man needs your attention, guys. We are on the cusp of the sixth seal in Revelations about to take place, and Yah is preparing a place for you all. Can you imagine the potential for businesses? Bakeries, Bars, Clubs, Hotels, Restaurants, schools, Hospitals, homes, motor homes etc.
I beg of you all, please be aware of this. It could change your life and perspective on things. I want to see you all prosper and live well.
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29 days ago
I want one... but, them tariffs are wickedly stupid... young man thank you!