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Planets Solar System Flag Idol worship Astrology doctrine of devils false science Phoenicia Canaan
What is a planet? What is earth? What is the difference? What is a star, a terrestrial body, celestial body, what are fixed stars and moving stars? Who worshipped them,as idols, Phenice,Egypt, Greeks, Romans,Arabs,and others.
Planets are the erratic wandering stars, not like the fixed ones. - Samuel Johnson online dictionary
Daniel 1: The Jewes who went to slavery in Babylon, like Daniel, Mishael, Azariah, Ananiah. were skilled in the sciences taught by Jehovah, GOD ALMIGHTY
Daniel 1:4
2And the Lord gaue Iehoiakim king of Iudah into his hand, with part of the vessels of the house of God, which he caried into the land of Shinar to the house of his god, and he brought the vessels into the treasure house of his god. 3¶ And the king spake vnto Ashpenaz the master of his Eunuches, that he should bring certaine of the children of Israel, and of the kings seed, and of the Princes: 4Children in whom was no blemish, but well fauoured, and skilfull in all wisedome, and cunning in knowledge, and vnderstanding science, and such as had abilitie in them to stand in the Kings palace, and whom they might teach the learning, and the tongue of the Caldeans. 5And the King appointed them a daily prouision of the kings meat, and of the wine which he dranke: so nourishing them three yeeres, that at the ende thereof they might stand before the king. 6Now among these were of the children of Iudah, Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah:
Abraham Taught the Egyptians difference between good and bad science: The Complete WORKS OF FLAVIUS JOSEPHUS
Planet, idol worship, worshipping moon star, people etc, lead to demise of nations:
2 Kings 23:5 And hee put downe the idolatrous priests whome the kings of Iudah had ordeined to burne incense in the high places, in the cities of Iudah and in the places round about Ierusalem: them also that burnt incense vnto Baal, to the Sunne, and to the Moone, and to the Planets, and to all the hoste of heauen.
Countries and nations that worship planets solar systems . The planets have pagan idol names. Heaven with different level and one earth created by Jehovah. Origins of fallen angels teaching man astrology worship of idols through solar systems and the hosts of heaven stars , moon, sun. Origin of planet worship its features killing of children and AntiChrist ways. Ancient Babylonians Phoenicians Egyptians Caananites Greco Roman Edomites atheists agnostics idolaters and their role in promoting climate change and destruction! Standards and idols of the nations, countries with flag in their anthem and Pledge and countries who worship flag and standards from antiquity to this day. Repent or perish has been prophesied for over 7000 years
Planets Zodiac months of Year days of week named by pagan idols are not to be worship they represent fallen demons giving their power and knowledge to men see Isidore of Spains Encyclopedia early church father
Roman standards or flags bow to Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Acts of Pilate , Book of Nicodemus
Japhet Romans Edom Idumea Caucasians worship their flags or standards
Bible Enoch Prophesy those who worship and study the elements will err and woes will multiply
The Eagle. The Latins Romans Mystery Babylon worldwide the Great Seal of the USA
The Eagle and the Romans Latins Edomites
Artemis an idol
Virgin Rocket Launch Fails
Psalm 2 hilarious
Mark Zuckerberg Shades SpaceX’s Elon Musk For Blowing Up His $85m Amos-6 Satellite
Things to remove from your homes, beliefs, churches, schools
Burning EU and other flags can bring jail time
Trump wants flag burning laws introduced in USA
Hong Kong anthem vote criticize China anthem
We see worldwide new laws criminalizing anthems and flags
modern Arabs fleeing to space too, see Psalm 83
UAE’s Amal spacecraft rockets toward Mars in Arab world 1stBy MARI YAMAGUCHI and VICTORIA MILKO
Black Phoenicians Europeans worshipped planets
Source Holy Bible: Chronicles of Jerahmeel. The Complete Works of Flavius Josephus,
Planets Roman idols, in plain sight in trash management
Planets Halloween and sorcery connection
Jeremiah 10
do not worship the hosts of heaven
Planet definition 1700.AD
Samuel Johnson Online Dictionary
n.s. [planeta, Lat. ϖλαναω; planette, Fr.] Planets are the erratick or wandering stars, and which are not like the fixt ones always in the same position to one another: we now number the earth among the primary planets, because we know it moves round the sun, as Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Mercury do, and that in a path or circle between Mars and Venus: and the moon is accounted among the secondary planets or satellites of the primary, since she moves round the earth: all the planets have, besides their motion round the sun, which makes their year, also a motion round their own axes, which makes their day; as the earth’s revolving so makes our day and night: it is more than probable, that the diameters of all the planets are longer than their axes: we know ’tis so in our earth; and Flamsteed and Cassini found it to be so in Jupiter: Sir Isaac Newton asserts our earth’s equatorial diameter to exceed the other about thirty-four miles; and indeed else the motion of the earth would make the sea rise so high at the equator, as to drown all the parts thereabouts. Harris. Barbarous villains! hath this lovely face
Rul’d like a wand’ring planet over me,
And could it not inforce them to relent.
Shakespeare. And planets, planet-struck, real eclipse
Then suffer’d.
Milton’s Paradise Lost. There are seven planets or errant stars in the lower orbs of heaven.
Brown’s Vulgar Errours. The Chaldeans were much devoted to astrological devices, and had an opinion that every hour of the day was governed by a particular planet, reckoning them according to their usual order, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Lunæ.
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11 days ago
your camera is moved around without control or focus
11 days ago
my sister you read Yahs word but do not give the scripture location for reference
11 days ago
11 days ago
the lesson was good but show your books so that we could reference your information
11 days ago