Shalom Fam, we have completed the upgrade of our email system to ensure higher deliverability of messages. All Praise to The Most High Yah! Please allow us time to reply to any backlog of previous messages sent. We sincerely thank you for your patience!
THOU shalt bring them in, and plant them in the mountain of THINE inheritance, in the place, O LORD, which THOU hast made for THEE to dwell in, in the Sanctuary, O LORD, which THY HANDS have established. Exodus 15:17
Sons and daughters of Jacob/Israel; Black people globally this message is for you and only you. This is our time and season and we will NOT be denied, because our deliverance, victory and blessings are powered from on high by THE MOST HIGH
Brothers and sisters get your pass ports renew if it's expired. If you do not have a pass port, get one right NOW!! Pack your bags, and get ready to get out of the belly of the beast and his system.
This video was made specifically for black people, the real Hebrews who wants to leave Babylon and go home to Africa.
For those of you, BLACK PEOPLE, GOD'S PEOPLE who truly wants to go home to Africa please contact me at:
or send me text on whatsapp 1(347)652-4759
I love you all my beautiful black brothers and YESHUA name
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