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Reparations From Africa?
675 Lượt xem
• 02/20/25
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28 ngày trước kia
Europeans y'all don't know no s***
1 tháng trước kia
White Americans and Europeans love saying Africans rounded up their own people! The moors were Esau Edom enslaving the Yahudim and Leviim.
1 tháng trước kia
🔥🔥🙅 enough is enough! They are consistently deceptive. Thank you for clarifying the truth. Halleluyah! Yahuah is revealing truth.
1 tháng trước kia
It’s time for all Hebrews scattered throughout the diaspora to boldly proclaim the truth of who we are and cry out to TMH Yah for true deliverance! Enough is enough!
1 tháng trước kia
Thank you brother for sharing this with us this documentary