यह वीडियो +18 . से कम उम्र के दर्शकों के लिए प्रतिबंधित है

अपनी उम्र की पुष्टि करने के लिए एक खाता बनाएं या लॉगिन करें।


स्वत: प्ले

The British Christians In Kenya

39 विचारों • 10/31/22
शेयर करना
Brother T
Brother T
70 ग्राहकों

Shalom Family!
This is very hard to hear however ABBA Is Brining These Atrosatacies out for three reasons. 1. ) To wake up our people who are sleeping. 2. )To us who have awoken to the move of YAHUAH to perfect our faith to absolute obedience to ABBA'S Will. 3. ) I believe many in Yisrael, are still dealing with various strongholds of their past, YAHUSHA, Is coming back for A Holy Priesthood, a Holy Nation, therefore, let this be our goal of PERFECTION.

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स्वत: प्ले