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There's Nothing Micro about the Mark of the Beast Documentary

223 Views • 05/04/23
The KOYOC Podcast
The KOYOC Podcast
53 Subscribers

⁣It's time to put to rest the Microchip doctrine. It's tired. Here is undeniable evidence the Mark of the Beast Technology is way more advanced than what these so-called YouTube Teachers are telling the masses.

Stop telling people the COVID-19 Swab and Shots aren't the Mark but a precursor, but rather it's an upcoming microchip, or that it's only spiritual. You are a deciever if that is you!

Oh and by the way your friends and family will stop talking to you for sharing this with them. This is your warning in advance...

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3 Comments sort Sort By
Daughter of Zion
Daughter of Zion
2 years ago

The length and breath these so call scientists takes to find out all these information, what benefits is it to mankind; and all the while ignoring the Commandments of Yahuwah: The earth must have it Sabbath every seven years; Day of Attonenent blow the loud trumpet every fifty years for our Jubilee and most of all our weekly Day of Rest including the rest of the feast days. A legally binding covenant between Yahuwah and Hebrew Israelites. Not must to ask is it. Father we waith patiently for your judgement to come; and may it come soon.

The KOYOC Podcast
The KOYOC Podcast
2 years ago

Tell 'em AKHATI!

Chris Williams
Chris Williams
2 years ago

The Brain Initiative, was to find and confirm the existence of the VMAT2, which is the God gene inside the human body. They use PCR Tests to measure the VMAT2 enzymes produced by the pineal gland.

Chris Williams
Chris Williams
2 years ago

Brother... I've been screaming this exact thing from the rooftops for about 2.5 years now. Everybody is waiting on a RFID microchip, meanwhile the Mark of the Beast changes the genome and attacks the VMAT2 Gene.

The KOYOC Podcast
The KOYOC Podcast
2 years ago

SHALAWAM AKH - TODAH! As watchmen we have to stay on the rooftops and keep screaming!

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