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Why GAZA ruins? Dem forget selling Jacob Children into slavery? Where de Black Early Saints from Ju

92 Views • 01/27/25
LilyoftheValley Iahpickneydem

Why is GAZA Strip in holy lands in ruin? The unrighteous, idolaters etc cannot live in the land, Arab Cabba, Ashkenazi , star of Remphan, Synagogue of Satan, Revelation 2v9, Revelation 3v9 Obadiah, Psalm 83, Habbakuk, 1 Maccabees, Revelaton all of it and especially 13 -19

The Book of Idols translate from the Arabic
A Thousand Nights and a Night Translated from the Arabic

Trump proposes clean out of Gaza, Abraham Accords, Jared Kushner, Trump crowned King of Edom

Revelation 13:10 Hee that leadeth into captiuitie, shall goe into captiuitie: Hee that killeth with the sword, must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the Saints.

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13 days ago

Your title assessment is absolutely correct. YESHUA had also shown us that scripture in reference to Gaza. We're in the Judgment era now and YESHUA has begun righteous Judgment of the nations and it will increase as we move further into the Trib Period. You're absolutely correct in your assessment on Gaza and YAH even states why He's punishing them. They sold us the whole lot The Word says. So we're seeing the manifestation of this prophecy but most are unaware. YAH remembers and HE will repay all the nations.

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