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Yahusha's Call - Concl...Earth's End ~YAH Has No Superstars!

16 Views • 07/28/22
Myra Waiters
Myra Waiters
36 Subscribers

Concluding "...Earth's End," we begin to bring into the reality of Yah's word, that He shares not His glory with anyone! Isaiah 42:8 says, "I am Yah: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images." Let us be aware of the 'Follywood Charismatic' teachers of our day and separate ourselves from their wicked earthliness! Salamah
Special NOTE:
Forgive the "leg" in the video, this is just the spirit of the enemy called a technician, trying to hinder Yah's work. But it didn't and will not work! Keep praying for us people of the Most High!

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