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The Day of the LORD Lies | What They Don't Want You To Know About The Day Of The LORD
The Day of the LORD Lies | What They Don't Want You To Know About The Day Of The LORD Huldah 380 Views • 3 years ago

⁣You don’t want to miss this session if you are confused about what preachers call the Day of the LORD. With the many signs indicating that we are in the last day, preachers are beginning to sound the alarm about the nation being under judgement. The reasons they cite are abortion, pornography, and homosexuality. The Most High is not pleased with these behaviors, but how can preachers overlook the scriptures that actually tell us why this judgment is coming? What don’t they want you to know about this day?

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Monitoring Israel
Monitoring Israel Huldah 120 Views • 2 years ago

⁣The targeting of our people never ended. We have been monitored and watched since we came to this land. That has not changed. If you are sharing the truths about who we are, you should assume that you are being monitored. The powers that be want to place labels on us as an extremist because it will allow them to track and surveil. And yes, they will use informants and plants. Pray for discernment during this time because all who are with us is not for us. Some have been sent. We need to know who sent them.

Jews of West Africa - Documentary
Jews of West Africa - Documentary Benayah Israel 2,610 Views • 3 years ago

⁣This is a rebroadcast of a previous documentary regarding the Jews of West Africa. Checkout this in-depth look at the Jews of West Africa. This video will prepare you for the upcoming Reclaiming the Thrones movie due out soon. Well, enjoy family and stay blessed Israel. Shalom!

Intro into the Hebrew Faith 3: Does Color Matter ?
Intro into the Hebrew Faith 3: Does Color Matter ? Hebrew Nation Building 647 Views • 4 years ago

Powerful series on if the messiah had a people that he came for first

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