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Ruach (Spirit) & Truth | Not Everyone in The Truth Is Awakened (Ruach)

36 Views • 03/19/23
Set Apart Not Aside
Set Apart Not Aside
47 Subscribers

Ruach (Spirit) & Truth | Not Everyone in The Truth Is Awakened (Ruach)

Abba Yahuah is Ruach (Spirit) and those who worship Him must worship Him in Ruach AND Truth (John 4:24). The Hebraic awakening is through the Ruach of Yah (Ezekial 37). In order to Halakah, walk out the lifestyle Yahuah has called His daughters and sons to live, and to even fulfill Torah circumspectly, we need the Ruach (Spirit) of Yah, His guidance and leading.

Scripture Reference(s): Ezekial 37; John 4:24; John 1-21 (the entire book)

#hebrew #spiritandtruth #humility #israelites #hebrewisraelite #yasharel #thetruth #theawakening #daughtersofzion #tribeofjudah #ruachandtruth #ezekial37 #drybones #hebrewawakening #hebrewstonegroes #love #renewedmind #shabbat #spiritandtruth

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