We regret to inform you that on March 11th, 2025, our Data Center, which hosts our platform, was involved in a suspicious Cyber Attack. We are currently working to restore user content and rebuild our database. We have been able to restore resources up to March 2nd, 2025. Please keep us in prayer as we seek to restore service and user resources.
HebrewConnectTV App for Android Beta is released!!!! <br> <br>For those of you looking for a sneak peek at our new app and want to test it out, be sure to leave a "LIKE" and a comment on this post say..
10/01/22 • 627 Tampilan
Last step is to email info@hebrewconnect.tv with subject: "Add Me to HCTV APP Test". You will then be emailed a link to Google Play to download and test the app! Native HCTV Login is currently enabled. Gmail and FB Social Login will be enabled on future update.
The below link to the HCTV App will only work for those that followed the above last step. https://play.google.com/apps/internaltest/4698418622649297783
6 bulan yang lalu
I would like to be able to add this app
Shalom, here you go! Message if you have any questions. https://play.google.com/store/....apps/details?id=com.
11 bulan yang lalu
I would like to know more about the app for Android and if/where it's available to upload?
Sorry for delay... https://play.google.com/store/....apps/details?id=com.
1 tahun yang lalu
I would definitely like to be added
2 bertahun-tahun yang lalu
I would love to be added to this easy access for my android devices.
2 bertahun-tahun yang lalu
I'd like to try it too.
2 bertahun-tahun yang lalu
I wouldn't mind trying the app.
Its available https://play.google.com/store/....apps/details?id=com.
2 bertahun-tahun yang lalu
I would like to be added
3 bertahun-tahun yang lalu
Our Father work needs to be publish ASAP . Any tips on how to upload videos as Google is not too friendly.
3 bertahun-tahun yang lalu
Are you still testing app? Im interested
Here you go. https://play.google.com/store/....apps/details?id=com.
3 bertahun-tahun yang lalu
I'd like to be added.
3 bertahun-tahun yang lalu
Add Me to HCTV APP Test
3 bertahun-tahun yang lalu
Yes I would like to try out the app...will email you shortly...
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