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The Copy and Paste Spirit: Are We Using the Tactics of Our Oppressors in the Awakening?

This article explores the “copy and paste spirit” within the Hebrew awakening, highlighting how we often replicate oppressive systems and tactics instead of embracing the culture and leadership YAH in..

01/27/25  •  304 المشاهدات

Yah Yahvo avatar

As we witness a growing awakening among the Hebrew Israelite community, an uncomfortable question arises: Are we simply copying and pasting the methods of our oppressors? In our zeal to rebuild, are we replicating the same oppressive systems, psychological games, and hierarchical structures that have been used to suppress us? Are we, in our efforts to reclaim our identity, building mini-kingdoms to make names for ourselves rather than glorifying YAHUAH and restoring our true culture?


The Word is clear: “Learn not the way of the heathen” (Jeremiah 10:2). Yet, if we examine the systems we’re constructing—whether in leadership, business, ministry, or community building—there’s a striking resemblance to the structures of corporate America and the tactics of Babylon. Instead of restoring a culture rooted in humility, service, and obedience to YAH’s commandments, some among us appear to be repeating the cycles of control, manipulation, and self-promotion.


The Copy and Paste Spirit


The “copy and paste spirit” refers to the unconscious (or sometimes intentional) replication of oppressive tactics disguised as progress. This spirit shows up in various ways:

1.Hierarchical Leadership:

Instead of the servant leadership modeled by Yahusha, we see individuals positioning themselves as untouchable authorities, creating systems where their word is law rather than pointing people back to the Word of YAHUAH.

2.Manipulative Tactics:

Some leaders and influencers use fear, guilt, or exclusivity to control others. These are psychological tools borrowed from oppressive systems designed to maintain power over the masses.

3.Materialism and Self-Promotion:

Ministries and businesses are sometimes centered around making names for individuals rather than glorifying YAH. This mirrors corporate branding rather than a community focus.


Just as colonizers thrived by dividing and conquering, we see factions within the awakening, competing for followers, attention, and validation rather than uniting in the truth.

5.Exploitation of Resources:

Instead of creating systems of mutual aid and sustainable development, there’s often an extraction of resources (money, time, and energy) from the community without reinvesting into its growth.


These behaviors mirror the tactics of Babylon, the very system we are called to come out of (Revelation 18:4). If we are to walk in the truth, we must examine whether we are truly building YAH’s kingdom or merely replicating corporate America in Hebrew packaging.


Why Does This Happen?


The copy and paste spirit stems from deep-seated wounds and conditioning. After centuries of captivity, we’ve internalized the oppressive systems we were subjected to. Our ancestors were taught to build someone else’s empire, and those methods have been passed down through generations.


Moreover, a lack of cultural understanding leaves us vulnerable to defaulting to the systems we know. Many of us are not fully acquainted with the Torah-based culture YAH intended for us. Without this foundation, it’s easy to imitate what seems successful in the world rather than seeking the ways of YAH.


The Solutions: How Do We Return to Our Culture?


The good news is that we don’t have to remain trapped in the cycles of imitation. YAHUAH has given us a blueprint for how to live, lead, and build as His chosen people. Here’s how we can break free:

1.Restore Servant Leadership:

Leaders in the awakening must model the example of Yahusha, who came to serve, not to be served (Matthew 20:28). Leadership should be about guiding people back to YAH, not consolidating power or creating personal empires. Servant leaders prioritize humility, accountability, and community over self-interest.

2.Reject Babylon’s Tools:

We must consciously reject manipulation, fear-mongering, and division as tools for influence. Instead, we should operate in love, truth, and transparency. YAH’s kingdom operates on righteousness, not coercion.

3.Study and Live Torah:

Returning to our culture begins with immersing ourselves in the Word of YAHUAH. The Torah provides clear guidance on how to live, govern, and interact as a set-apart people. This includes principles of fairness, generosity, and care for the vulnerable.

4.Build Sustainable Communities:

Instead of mimicking corporate structures, we can develop community-based systems rooted in mutual aid and collective growth. This includes supporting one another economically, spiritually, and emotionally in ways that reflect the unity YAH desires.

5.Focus on Purpose, Not Popularity:

Our mission is to glorify YAH, not ourselves. Whether in ministry, business, or creativity, we must prioritize obedience to YAH over the pursuit of followers, fame, or financial gain. This requires constant self-examination and repentance.

6.Educate the Next Generation:

To break the cycle, we must teach our children the ways of YAH from a young age (Deuteronomy 6:7). This includes helping them understand their identity, history, and the importance of walking in righteousness.

7.Embrace Unity:

The awakening should be about uniting under YAH’s truth, not competing for influence. We must learn to collaborate and support one another, putting aside ego and personal agendas for the greater good.


Moving in YAH’s Way


As we continue to awaken, we must resist the temptation to replicate the systems of our oppressors. The goal is not to build a Hebrew version of Babylon but to restore the kingdom of YAH on earth. This requires unlearning the ways of the heathen and fully embracing the culture, principles, and commandments YAHUAH has given us.


Let us examine our motives, methods, and mindset. Are we truly set apart, or are we building with Babylon’s blueprints? The awakening is not just about knowing who we are—it’s about living according to YAH’s will. Only then can we truly break free from the copy and paste spirit and walk as the people YAH has called us to be.


At the forefront of breaking the “copy and paste” cycle are platforms like and, which embody the essence of moving in YAH’s way. Elect Sounds Radio amplifies voices that glorify YAHUAH, offering music and content rooted in truth and free from the influence of Babylonian systems. Meanwhile, Hebrew Connect TV bridges the gap between truth-seekers, fostering genuine community and cultural restoration through meaningful, Torah-centered media. These platforms aren’t just alternatives—they’re solutions, showing us how to reclaim our narrative and build a foundation aligned with YAH’s kingdom. By supporting and engaging with them, we actively participate in a movement that dismantles the old systems and brings us back to our rightful place as a set-apart people.

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