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Natural Health & Cures

Alzheimers Might Not be What you Think
Alzheimers Might Not be What you Think byYAH Yasharahla 5 Views • 12 days ago

⁣“Alzheimer’s is a physician CAUSED disease”

It didn’t even occur in people 40 years ago. And now it’s the
#4 killer of people in the USA over age 65!!

What is Alzheimer’s disease? Well, it’s the disappearing of your brain’s insulation, the Myelin!! What is Myelin made out off? It’s made from CHOLESTEROL!!!

”If you go on a low Cholesterol diet or cholesterol medication, it’s the fastest way to Alzheimer’s disease”

DISCALIMER: This video is for informational purposes only. T⁣the information presented in the video is not meant to be used as medical advice and should not be considered a substitute for consulting a healthcare professional regarding any medical condition you may have; it is purely for informational purposes only.

Congo identifies the Mystery Disease X in Panzi Region Africa Continent Cungo Kungo being targeted d
Congo identifies the Mystery Disease X in Panzi Region Africa Continent Cungo Kungo being targeted d LilyoftheValley Iahpickneydem 15 Views • 28 days ago

Congo Democratic Republic of Congo reveals cause of Mystery Disease X, What did they find out? Who is making these diseases , why are the targeting African nations and Negroes in particular?

⁣How can we help our people in the Democratic Republic of Congo?

Congo is of ancient Chaldee Hebrew Israelite Christian origin Negroes



GEE EM OOOH Mosquitoes in the Congo

Congo Israelites in the Trans Atlantic slave trade Duet 28 v 68
Why? Idolatry. Witchcraft ancestor worship polytheism

Leopold of Belgium,


Lgbt+ de.oligarchs in Congo. Minerals,

Blood iPhones

How Africa got its name , ancient origins

Ancient Israelites, Black like Ancient Kedar Qedar and Ancient Kush, Ethiopians

Dr S h e r r y. Te n p e n n y

Black Sapote

Paullina pinnata

Congo Pepper and Leaves

African Mahagony Khaya Senegalensis

Congo meaning in Hebrew Chaldee Aramaic. Disease X Israelite Christian Children of Yah help is on wa
Congo meaning in Hebrew Chaldee Aramaic. Disease X Israelite Christian Children of Yah help is on wa LilyoftheValley Iahpickneydem 36 Views • 28 days ago

⁣Pray Psalm 91 all people in Congo ...How to identify the Children of Jacob Israel in the Congo Kungo Cungo in ancient languages

Tribes in the Congo,descend from the 12 Tribes of Jacob/Israel in the Bible

"tribe, n.s." A Dictionary of the English Language, by Samuel Johnson. 1773. Accessed 2024/12/19.

Tribe. n.s. [tribus, Lat. from trev, British; b and v being labials of promiscuous use in the ancient British words; trev from tir ef, his lands, is supposed by Mr. Rowland to be Celtick, and used before the Romans hand any thing to do with the British Government. This notion will not be much recommended, when it is told, that he derives centuriæ from trev, supposing it to be the same with our centrev, importing a hundred trevs or tribles.]

1. A distinct body of the people as divide by a family of fortune, or another characteristick.
I ha’ been writing all this night unto all the tribes
And centuries for their voices, to help Catiline
In his election.
Ben. Johnson.
If the heads of the tribes can be taken off, and the misled multitude will see their error, such extent of mercy is honourable.

Tiny Coffins Measles is Killing Thousands of Children in Congo


G u n g o. peas leaves n pea
C I n c h o n a bark

W o r m w o o d
F e n u g r e e k. S e e d s

F l a x s e e d s

P l e u r i s y. R o o t . A s c l e p i a s t u b e r o s a

S l ippery. ELM. (ulmus fulva)




Capsicum. Chili.cayenne.
G o l d e n. S e a l
Black walnut
Plantago.Major.also called common.plantain.not the same as banana#plantain.

Vegetable broths
Wild watercress eat it regularly
Leeks+garlic+ginger+raw Irish potato juice
2Tbsp 3x per day

Vitamin A large doses for short period promote healing n fight infections
Vitamin B Complex
Vitamin B6
Vitamin C massive dose
Vitamin E
Fresh fruits
Fresh fruit juices made from real fruits

Pure water, boil water before drinking. Filter it or put water in a copper container in sun leave overnight to purify water


Contact us

The children sent to a DR Congo 'holiday camp' never to come back
13 Aug 2019
Joanna Heywood

August 13, 2019 - A Belgian court is investigating an orphanage for alleged abduction of children from DR Congo.

Christianity in Europe

The Negroes who came from Congo Country, Eboe Country, etc

Lamentations 4 and 5, Psalm 83, Obadiah Prophesy
Revelation 13 to 19
Rejoice Revelation 20-22 is at hand in Christ's righteous kingdom

Buy Donate send relief locally to Christians in Congo

Arab Enslavement of Negroes imposed upon them Al,lat= moon god worship and the Cabba from the Qureshi Quran tribes of which Mahomet,descended. They were polytheistic idolatrous Arab traders

Belgian Mixedrace (Mullatoes) Belgium found guilty of crimes against humanity

ETHIOPIA and CONGO Airline partnership

The Hot Zone. Jubilees 23

Beware of Greeks bearing gifts
The Trojan Horse

The Americas, they came with smallpox wrapped in Blankets

Congo People Government Ambassadors Language Population Resources



G u n g o. feuilles de pois n pois
Écorce de c i n c h o n
Femmes femmes
F e n u g r e s à l'étranger
F l a x l a s d e s
P l é u r i s s a n t i o n . A s c l é p i s t é t u b é r o s a
S l ipperie. ORME. (ulmus fulva)
Saule.écorce (Salix)
Capsicum. Chili.cayenne.
G o l d é n. S é a l
Sib.erian.du gin.seng
Noyer noir
Plantago.Commandant.aussi appelé commun.plantain.pas la même chose que la banane#plantain.
Bouillons de légumes
Le cresson sauvage en mange régulièrement
Poireaux + ail + gingembre + jus de pomme de terre cru irlandais
2 Cuillères à soupe 3 fois par jour
De fortes doses de vitamine A pendant une courte période favorisent la guérison et combattent les infections
Complexe de Vitamine B

7 HARMFUL Ingredients That Are FDA Approved | Foods To AVOID
7 HARMFUL Ingredients That Are FDA Approved | Foods To AVOID Todd 145 Views • 2 years ago

7 HARMFUL Ingredients That Are FDA Approved | Foods To AVOID...Have you ever asked yourself WHY are we so overweight and SICK today compared to our ancestors? 75% of the population is either overweight or obese and 70% are on prescription medication. Society and the medical industry loves to blame it on genetics because it makes us believe there's nothing we can do about it. Could it be that what we eat has changed dramatically over the past 60 years from naturally organic foods to a chemical soup?

Well in this video I'll show you why as a chemist I finally started to read the food labels and realized we're being poisoned. This is why I created my Full-Body Detox (initially for myself) because many of these chemicals don't readily leave the body, but certain herbs were designed to remove heavy metals, mucus, and waste from the body to help restore health.

Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and let's stay connected below:

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✔ Website:
✔ Full-Body Detox

Disclaimer: This video is not a substitute for medical advice. If you have specific questions related to your personal health please refer to your physician.

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