Hebrew Language Learning

The Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉 Translation Card Game
The Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉 Translation Card Game Itharey Daughter of the Diaspora 42 Views • 1 year ago

This is an introduction of "The Manakahthey Translation Game". With this game you will learn Manakahthey, known as Ancient Hebrew /Paleo Hebrew. It is the language before Hebrew.

Visit http://PrimitiveSignLangauge.com/shop to buy the game
http://PrimitiveSignLanguage.com/preview to preview the book

Itharey Reading Psalms 23 in 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉 Manakahthey with Caption
Itharey Reading Psalms 23 in 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉 Manakahthey with Caption Itharey Daughter of the Diaspora 139 Views • 1 year ago

In this video I am reading Psalms 23 in Manakahthey. Caption is in Manakahthey. visit https://itharey.com/learn-to-p....salms-23-in-manakaht to get the transliteration.

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for this lesson and others.


Visit http://patreon.com/Bathyah to access Patreon perks, PDF worksheets and transcripts of videos.

Telegram - t.me.com/itharey

Reading of Joel 2:17 - Short Prayer in 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉 Manakahthey
Reading of Joel 2:17 - Short Prayer in 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉 Manakahthey Itharey Daughter of the Diaspora 55 Views • 1 year ago

This is a remake video of Joel 2:17. Listen to me read Joel and learn to speak Manakahthey


Visit http://patreon.com/Bathyah to access Patreon perks, PDF worksheets and transcripts of videos.

Telegram - t.me.com/itharey

Quick Introduction to 22  𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉  Manakahthey (Paleo  Ancient Hebrew) Symbols
Quick Introduction to 22 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉 Manakahthey (Paleo Ancient Hebrew) Symbols Itharey Daughter of the Diaspora 106 Views • 1 year ago

This is basically a preview of the information in my book Primitive Sign Language Vol. 1 Etymology of Ancient Biblical Hebrew

Visit http://patreon.com/Bathyah to access Patreon perks, PDF worksheets and transcripts of videos.

Telegram - t.me.com/itharey

the Language of Noah & his 3 Sons, Before the Tower of Babel - 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉
the Language of Noah & his 3 Sons, Before the Tower of Babel - 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉 Itharey Daughter of the Diaspora 41 Views • 1 year ago

Why is this important? This information is very important and it is important to everyone on earth because we all come from Noah via one of his 3 sons. Starting from the Departure from building the Tower of Babel of Babel, multiple languages evolved.
Visit http://PrimitiveSignLanguage.com/shop to buy the book $4.99

To view the article and Podcast of this video go here

To learn more about the original language go here..

Download the app "Itharey" and see my podcast "itharey.podbean.com

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Instagram.com @itharey_bathyah

Manakahthey Makes Sense - Meaning of 𐤌𐤈𐤓
Manakahthey Makes Sense - Meaning of 𐤌𐤈𐤓 Itharey Daughter of the Diaspora 78 Views • 1 year ago

To get in contact me visit Manakahthey.com

Learn more hand signs

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Symbolic Meaning of Yahuah in 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉 Manakahthey & Explaining Ahayah.
Symbolic Meaning of Yahuah in 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉 Manakahthey & Explaining Ahayah. Itharey Daughter of the Diaspora 42 Views • 1 year ago

Yahuah is the #1 mistranslated word in the bible. The Lord is not his name but a title. Find out what his name really means according to the Manakahthey symbols. Manakahthey is the language before Hebrew or what is known as Paleo Hebrew. Manakahthey originated Paleo Hebrew.


Visit http://patreon.com/Bathyah to access Patreon perks, PDF worksheets and transcripts of videos.

Telegram - t.me.com/itharey

I am Itharey, Daughter of the Diaspora (Take 2) 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉
I am Itharey, Daughter of the Diaspora (Take 2) 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉 Itharey Daughter of the Diaspora 48 Views • 1 year ago

This video will show you how I am the woman of Zephaniah 3:10, who brings the Pure, Authentic & Refined Language. I know that Ancient Hebrew was founded in Sign Language because I know the hand signs/ gestures. I share them with you in this video. You will learn lots of new signs.


Visit http://patreon.com/Bathyah to access Patreon perks, PDF worksheets and transcripts of videos.

Telegram - t.me.com/itharey

Itharey -  Origins of 𐤆𐤓𐤏
Itharey - Origins of 𐤆𐤓𐤏 נשיא עמנואל בן יהוספ 78 Views • 2 years ago

Hebrew Israelite Teaching

The ShevonYah Show "Shapes Video" (Official Hebrew Shapes Video)
The ShevonYah Show "Shapes Video" (Official Hebrew Shapes Video) The Shevonyah Show 122 Views • 2 years ago

The Hebrew Shapes Song is a fun way to teach anyone interested in learning shapes in Hebrew. There are many shapes to learn! Come join The ShevonYah Show for some fun learning shapes through music.

Visit our store: http://theshevonyahstore.com


EEGOOL- circle
REEBUA- square
MALBEN- rectangle
MESHULASH- triangle
METUMAN- octagon
YAHALOM- diamond
OVALEE- oval
KOCHAV- star
LEV- heart
CHETZ- arrow

Back by popular demand!- Ghana Native Sis. Seyram Part 2
Back by popular demand!- Ghana Native Sis. Seyram Part 2 Elephant Man Podcast 110 Views • 3 years ago

Join us Friday Jan. 22, 2021 7:30pm Central ( 8:30pm Eastern) Ghana Native and Host of Podcast Hebrew IVRI Ewe EƲƐ The Black Man Sis. Seyram.

Understanding Biblical Hebrew w/ Moreh Duane: Part 2
Understanding Biblical Hebrew w/ Moreh Duane: Part 2 Biblical Hebrew Awakening 197 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Biblical Hebrew Awakening Shabbat Lesson
⁣⁣Understanding Biblical Hebrew w/ Moreh Duane: Part 2 Al, Ba, Ga, Dalet, Hey, Waw

If you would like to get connected with our ministry, please email Moreh Duane Harris at hebrewawakened@gmail.com.

⁣Understanding Biblical Hebrew w/ Moreh Duane: Part 1
⁣Understanding Biblical Hebrew w/ Moreh Duane: Part 1 Biblical Hebrew Awakening 204 Views • 4 years ago

⁣⁣Biblical Hebrew Awakening Shabbat Lesson
⁣⁣Understanding Biblical Hebrew w/ Moreh Duane: Part 1 Al, Ba, Ga

If you would like to get connected with our ministry, please email Moreh Duane Harris at hebrewawakened@gmail.com.

Understanding Biblical Hebrew w/ Moreh Duane: Part 3
Understanding Biblical Hebrew w/ Moreh Duane: Part 3 Biblical Hebrew Awakening 99 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Biblical Hebrew Awakening Shabbat Lesson
Understanding Biblical Hebrew: Part 3 Zayin, Het, Thet
Merchandise of Deception and Death: The secret power of words and intentions

If you would like to get connected with our ministry, please email Moreh Duane Harris at hebrewawakened@gmail.com.

Learn Hebrew With Words You Already Know - Soda, Bank, & Banana
Learn Hebrew With Words You Already Know - Soda, Bank, & Banana The Shevonyah Show 62 Views • 4 years ago

Visit our store: http://theshevonyahshow.com

The ShevonYah Show - Easy Peezy Hebrew Words You Know - Soda, Bank, & Banana

Learn To Read Hebrew Hebrew In One Week

The #1 easiest way to read in Hebrew.

At first glance, the Hebrew language could be intimidating to learn.
Through the learning process, we’ve learned this is the one true way of learning to read Hebrew. “Use Words You Already Know”
Some words in Hebrew are pronounced the same way in English.
With a little knowledge of the letters & their sounds & some vowel marking understanding, you can be reading Hebrew today. Do It The Fun & Easy Right Here at The ShevonYah Show

Hebrew Lessons That Can Help With This Video
Learn The Hebrew Alef Bets

Learn The Hebrew Vowels Part 1

Learn The Hebrew Vowels Part 2

How to say "Good Week" In Hebrew | Yesh'li Ktzat Ivrit
How to say "Good Week" In Hebrew | Yesh'li Ktzat Ivrit The Shevonyah Show 103 Views • 4 years ago

Visit our store: http://theshevonyahshow.com

Yesh'li Ktzat Ivrit - Good Week In Hebrew

Visit Our Store

Good Week is an awesome thing to hear & say to others that keep the Shabbat. It's a polite way of encouraging one another, especially through these trying times. So Sh'vua Tov To You...

Maybe you can check out our books, songs & inexpensive programs on or online store.

Read Hebrew In One Week & The 14th Hebrew Summit Album & More To Come...

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http://theshevonyahstore.com Shalom

How to say "Shabbat Shalom" In Hebrew | Yesh'li Ktzat Ivrit
How to say "Shabbat Shalom" In Hebrew | Yesh'li Ktzat Ivrit The Shevonyah Show 96 Views • 4 years ago

Visit our store: http://theshevonyahshow.com

Shabbat Shalom Family Here’s another Yesh’li Ktzat Ivrit “I have a little Hebrew” with Malka of The ShevonYah Show.
In This Lesson, You’ll Read “Shabbat Shalom” in #hebrew. Also, we have exciting things coming up so stay tuned & visit our store http://theshevonyahstore.com Shalom

How to say "How Are You?" In Hebrew | Yesh'li Ktzat Ivrit
How to say "How Are You?" In Hebrew | Yesh'li Ktzat Ivrit The Shevonyah Show 116 Views • 4 years ago

Visit our store: http://theshevonyahshow.com

The ShevonYah Show
Yesh'li Ktzat Ivrit - I Have A Little

Bite-sized Hebrew lessons to help you get to know the Hebrew Langauge without it being so difficult. How are you? is a common question and there are a few ways of saying it. Here we show you two. You should practice saying it to loved ones & friends. Enjoy and don't forget to check out our store. Shalom...


Hebrew Vowels PART 1 (Kamatz, Hireek, Holam and Kubutz)
Hebrew Vowels PART 1 (Kamatz, Hireek, Holam and Kubutz) The Shevonyah Show 67 Views • 4 years ago

Visit our store: http://theshevonyahshow.com

This video is Part 1 of Vowels (Nikkuds). In this lesson you will will learn four vowels Kamatz, Hireek, Holam and Kubutz. You will also use 1 alef bet along with the vowels. REMEMBER to say the sound of the Alef bet FIRST, then the sound of the vowel blending them together.

"If Your Struggling In Your Financial Life This Little Book Could Be The Answer To Your Prayers"

B + Kamatz(ah)= Bah
B + Hireek(ee) = Bee
B + Holam(oh) = Bo
B + Kubutz(OOH) = Boo

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***************Learn to read your colors, shapes and numbers in Hebrew DOWNLOAD the PDF today!!!!!**************

Hebrew Vowels Part 2 (Patach, Segol, Shuruk and Tzere)
Hebrew Vowels Part 2 (Patach, Segol, Shuruk and Tzere) The Shevonyah Show 68 Views • 4 years ago

Visit our store: http://theshevonyahshow.com

This video is Part 2 of Vowels (Nikkuds). In this lesson you will learn four vowels Patach, Segol, Shuruk and Tzere. You will also use 1 alef bet along with the vowels. REMEMBER to say the sound of the Alef bet FIRST, then the sound of the vowel blending them together.

"If Your Struggling In Your Financial Life This Little Book Could Be The Answer To Your Prayers"

T + Patach(ah) = Tah
T + Segol(eh) = Teh
T + Shuruk(OOH) = Too
T + Tzere(ey) = Tey

Our Link Tree Link


***************Learn to read your colors, shapes and numbers in Hebrew DOWNLOAD the PDF today!!!!!**************